Friday 26th November 2021
What a wonderful week Year 5 have had!
In English this week, we have continued reading 'The Jamie Drake Equation' and we are wondering about all the strange things that keep happening to Jamie, such as his equation test and his alien world artwork. In our writing, we created a persuasive leaflet to sell a holiday to Earth to aliens. We focused on using modal verbs, persuasive language and cause and effect openers. Next week, we will be continuing to persuade but will be writing various pieces as Jamie Drake relating to the developing story.
In Maths this week, we have been looking at measurement. First, we spent time measuring length and mass and practising converting between different units. We then found the perimeter of composite rectilinear shapes and found the area of rectangles. Next week, we will be continuing to look at measurement in further depth, focusing on volume and capacity.
We have finally begun our Term 2 topic 'Stargazers'. For our Entry Point, we designed and created our own planets out of a range of materials. We then studied the 'Space Race' and created space themed timelines using the information we found. Next week, we will be studying the moon landing and the planets.
Home Learning for this week is two MyMaths tasks on Perimeter and Area.
Sports Project is on a Tuesday afternoon, please could children come to school in uniform and trainers.
PE is on Wednesday afternoon, please could children come to school in PE kit.
As the weather is changing, please can you ensure that your child has a coat in school as well as outdoor shoes to change into for break and lunchtime (including on PE days).