Friday 15th October 2021
Well done everyone for another great week in year five!
In English we have continued to explore whether Shackleton was a good leader. The children have planned and written their own balanced arguments, focussing on using contractions and formal language. We have been really impressed by every single member of year five’s effort in their writing this week, so well done! Next week, we will be moving on to writing our own newspaper articles, reporting on Shackleton's return from Antarctica.
In maths we have began to revise telling the time. The resilience shown with this tricky topic has been incredible to see and we are really proud of year five for this! We spent some time at the beginning of the week discussing the importance of being able to tell the time, and have been practicing converting between digital and analogue time, with some of us even beginning to convert between 24 hour time. We will be continuing our learning about time next week, including solving problems involving time and conversions.
This week, we have explored the impact of global warming on Antarctica and the Arctic. We became experts on key vocabulary in this area, including ‘climate change’ and ‘greenhouse gases’, and taught the rest of the class what this means. We then discussed how we could help protect Antarctica and reduce our carbon footprint and wrote our own pledges. Some of us pledged to walk or cycle more, and others pledged to ensure that they turn lights off when they leave their rooms.
Home Learning
Thank you everyone for your amazing water cycles, they look incredible! For next week’s home learning, please can you complete the MyMaths activities assigned on time!
- Sports Project is on Wednesday. Please could children come to school in their uniforms and trainers
- Swimming is on Thursday. Children will need to wear normal school uniform and bring their swimming things in a bag. Children can bring a snack of fruit to eat when they return to school if they would like to.
- After swimming on Thursday, Team Cornflower will be leaving at the normal time of 3:15 and Team Sapphire at the later time of 4:15.
- Next Friday (22nd October) is non-uniform day. We ask that on this day children bring in a voluntary contribution to go towards Chilton Fundraisers.
If you have any questions or need to contact us, please do not hesitate to email us (,,
Have a lovely weekend!
The Year 5 Team x