W/B 8th March 2021 Year 5 Blog
Welcome back, everybody!
What a wonderful first week back Year 5 have had. Here is what we have been up to:
In Maths, we have been recapping a number of topics that just needed polishing off after being learnt at home. We focused on Place Value, Rounding and Addition and Subtraction using both written and mental methods. Next week, we will be recapping Fractions focusing on simplifying, adding and subtracting and multiplying by whole numbers.
In English, we have continued reading 'I was a Rat!' and are enjoying Roger's story so far. We hope Bob and Joan are able to rescue him from the circus! We have focused on using emotive language to show viewpoint writing, this week, as Roger, Bob or Joan and Mr Tapscrew. We have also had additional foci of rhetorical questions, alliteration in our Friday Rat shape poem and using commas for parenthesis (PAG focus). Next week, we will be focusing on describing Roger's experience as Rat Boy at the circus.
Our Topic 'Material World' has really kicked off this week! We were tasked with a materials investigation focusing on designing a rat-friendly bedroom for Roger. We tested a range of different materials to use for his bed and curtains before making a bedroom for him on Friday! Next week, we will be looking at how soluble different materials are.
General reminders:
Please could children come to school in PE kits on WEDNESDAY.
Please could playground shoes be brought in (these can be left in school).
Children are still expected to be reading daily for a minimun of ten minutes as well as practising their Times Tables skills on TTRS as often as they can.
Have a great weekend!
The Year 5 team x