Key Stage Two SATs
If your child is in Year 6, they will be taking Key Stage Two national curriculum tests (commonly known as SATs) in May. The tests are not qualifications and don’t affect your child’s future options in school. The results are an opportunity to compare pupils nationally to ensure schools are helping pupils to master the basics in English and mathematics, and make progress.
The key stage 2 tests will be taken on set dates, unless your child is absent, in which case they may be able to take them up to 5 school days afterwards.
Test Timetable for 2025
Monday 12th May - Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling tests
Tuesday 13th May - English Reading test
Wednesday 14th May - Maths test papers 1 and 2
Thursday 15th May - Maths test paper 3
At Chilton, we run a special breakfast club during test week specifically for Year 6 children. This aims to have children calm and ready to do their best in the test papers. Our approach is to ensure a non-pressured environment but to prepare children to perform to their best ability on the papers. The tests are an extremely important indicator for the school as a measure of how hard the children and their teachers have worked - across the school, not just in Year 6!
By the end of the summer term 2025 you will receive test results for your child in English reading, English grammar, punctuation and spelling and mathematics. As there is no test for English writing, this will be reported as a teacher assessment judgement.
Both teacher assessments and test results are passed on to secondary schools.
For any queries, please contact Year 6 class teachers, Mr McAuley or Mrs Cheshire