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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News 7.2.25

As the sun is rising earlier each morning and setting later each day, we are starting to feel spring approaching. We have had a busy week in Year 4 and we hope you have all had a lovely week. Here is what we have been up to…


In maths this week we have been learning about division. We have recapped how to divide within the known times tables facts with calculations that leave remainders e.g. 45 ÷ 6 = Using our times tables, we know that 42 ÷ 6 is 7 so 45 ÷ 6 = 7 remainder 3. Children who have not learnt all of their times tables yet were using a multiplication square to help with this.

We then moved on to learn how to divide larger numbers (outside of the times tables facts) using short division (bus stop method). See below.

On number day, the children took part in a whole day of number based activities including visualising problems.

Next week we will be learning some more about fractions. We will learn how to add and subtract fractions with the same denominators. We will recap what improper fractions and mixed numbers are, and then learn how to add and subtract these too. We will finish the week by looking at fractions on number lines.


In English this week, we read some more of our text, ‘Pebble in my Pocket: A History of the Earth.’ We really enjoyed this week’s reading which involved the evolution of amphibians and the era of the dinosaurs. The children learnt the last few skills in our unit about non-chronological reports; writing compound sentences, exclamation sentences, questions and using commas in lists. We finished off the week by writing our showpiece where the children tried to independently use all of the skills learnt in this unit to write a non-chronological report about the Ancient Egyptians. They did amazingly well and used all of the features we had learnt about – well done Year 4!

Next week, we will be learning about using figurative language in poetry and writing poems based on Pebble in my Pocket.


In our thematic unit ‘Cracking the Earth’s Core’, this week we have finished our Geography learning by finding out how to use 4 figure grid references. The children learnt to look to the bottom left hand corner of the square that a map symbol in in to find the grid reference. On the map below the windmill is at 02,63.

We then started our Technology learning. We have learnt about frame structures and shell structures. Shell structures have one outer layer, are hollow inside and are not as strong as frame structures e.g. the O2 or the Eden project in Cornwall. Frame structures have beams, columns and slabs that are joint together with joints. They are more rigid and may have other techniques used to strengthen the structure such as triangulation, bracing and foundations. After learning about these structures, the children planned how they are going to make a frame structure next week. They listed the materials and tools they would need and drew a labelled diagram of their frame structure.

Next week we will be making our frame structures and then learning about Hinduism in RE. Tuesday 11th February is Safer Internet Day and we will be spending the whole day learning about this important life skill.


There are no spellings to learn this week.

Love to Learn

This week’s home learning task is Geography. We would like you to draw a grid and label the eastings and northings with numbers (see picture above). Draw symbols on your grid, or even a whole map or island, and then write the 4 figure grid references for your map symbols. Don’t forget to include a key that shows what your symbols mean. You could look on the internet to find some map symbols to use if you like.

Please could this challenge be handed in by Wednesday 12th February.

Dates to remember

Tuesday 11th February – Safer Internet Day

Friday 14th February – School Disco


Many thanks

We hope you have a lovely weekend

Mrs Cousins and Mr Oxley


Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695