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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News 4.10.24

What a wonderful week in Year 4! We would like to thank you all again for coming to our Harvest Festival Assembly and for all your kind donations. I think you’ll agree that the children were amazing, and we have told them that they should be very proud of themselves.  Here is what we have been up to this week…


In maths this week we have been learning to multiply. We began by learning to multiply by 10 or 100 using place value sliders. The children learnt that when we multiply by 10, we move the digits one place value column to the left and place a 0 in the ones column, and that when we multiply by 100, each digit moves two place value columns to the left, and 2 zeros are needed in the tens and ones columns e.g. 761 X 100 = 76,100.

We have learnt the written method to multiply a 2 or 3 digit number by a 1 digit number this week. This is called short multiplication. See examples below.


Next week we will be learning about division including dividing by 10 or 100 and short division (bus stop method).


In English this week we finished off our unit in which the children learnt how to write a character description. The last few skills that we learnt were superlatives and fronted adverbials. Superlatives are a way of showing that the thing being described has more of the quality than all others of the same type. Some examples of superlatives that we have used this week are; hugest, tallest, cleverest, most courageous, most fearsome, kindest, most powerful, friendliest. Fronted adverbials are words that can be used to start a sentence that add more detail to the rest of the sentence. These can be adverbs, prepositional phrases or verbs, for example, On top of …., Slowly, Gracefully, In the blink of an eye, Without a sound, Menacingly, Mysteriously. The children did an incredible job of using these in some lessons where they described Maleficent and WALL-E. The children then finished off their unit with their ‘Showpiece’ where they tried to use all of the skills they had learnt in this unit to describe the robot Optimus Prime. They did fantastically well!

Next week, we will begin to learn about how to write an information text. The children will learn about the features of this non-fiction text type and learn the skills to write a good one.


In our ‘Make some Noise!’ themed learning this week, the children have learnt about why people may need to protect their ears and have made their own ear defenders. See some pictures below…

We also learnt about how to look after our ears and what can happen to them if we don’t e.g. always listening to very loud music can harm the tiny hairs in the cochlea in our ears.

Next week is computing week and the children will be learning some coding skills using a program called Scratch.


In spelling this week we made 'spelling tablecloths' to help us learn this week's words. We covered paper with the words in lots of bright colours. We had great fun. Here we are doing this...


Mr Oxley, Miss Stephens and Mr Keam groups:

autopilot, autocue, automatic, autograph, automation, automobile, complete, consider, continue

Challenge words: autobiography, autobiographies

Mrs Cousins’ group:

north, storm, fork, torch, thorn, sort, worn, said, was, are

Challenge words: airport, orbiting

Love to Learn

This week’s task is to find out about one of these famous scientists who are linked to our topic ‘Make some Noise’. We would like you to find out about Ernst Mach (1838-1916) or Heinrich Hertz (1857-94).  What did the scientists do or find out? Why are they famous? What is named after them? You can use the internet to find out about them or visit the library to look for books about them.

You can show us what you find out in any way that you would like. You might like to write about what you find out and draw pictures. You might like to make a video presentation explaining what you’ve discovered. You could make a poster about them. Or you can come up with your own ideas, it is up to you! We look forward to seeing your home learning! Please could this challenge be handed in by Wednesday 16th October.

Other news

Accelerated Reader and TTRS

A reminder to please quiz with her child on Accelerated Reader when they finish each book. Login details were handed out – if you need a reminder of these please don’t hesitate to ask.

Please could the children play on TTRS at home as often as possible – 10-15 minutes 4 times a week would be most advantageous. Garage and Studio are the best games to help your child prgress.

We thank you for your support with your child’s reading and times tables practice.

Dates to remember

Saturday 5th October – Cross Country

Tuesday 8th October – Flu vaccines

Friday 11th October – Fancy dress Disco Year 1, 2 and 3 from 3.15-4.15pm and Year 4, 5 and 6 4.30pm-5.30pm 

Thursday 24th October – Parents invited into look at children’s books at 3.15pm

Friday 25th October – Inset day – School closed to children


Many thanks

We hope you have a lovely weekend

Mrs Cousins, Mr Oxley and Mrs Tamarro

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695