Welcome to Year 5!

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome all the children and families and carers to Year 5.
We hope you have all had a good summer; we cannot wait to see you all tomorrow!
A few reminders and dates:
- School starts tomorrow, Tuesday 3rd September, and doors will be open from 8.30am. Doors will close for registration at 8.45am.
- In Year 5, we dismiss the children from outside our classrooms at 3:15pm
- Year 5 will be having PE on Friday this term so please can the children come to school on a Friday wearing their PE kit. Our additional PE session will be on Thursday, can children please come into school in trainers.
- Home learning in Year 5 consists of a home learning task which will rotate between a thematic creative type challenge, a maths challenge or an English-based challenge. The minimum expectation for reading in Year 5 at Chilton is for the children to read at least 4 times a week. Please record each read in your child's reading record and sign.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
The Year 5 Team!
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