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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News 05.07.24

Important dates

10th July - Sports day KS2 9-11.30 and Year R/KS1 1.45-3

11th July - Year 6 assembly at 9am 

11th July - Music evening with Mr Redwood

11th July - Thanet Games Triathlon Years 5 and 6

12th July - School reports out to parents

15th, 16th, 17th July - Transition days.  On the Monday, Year 6 should come to school at normal time directly to their current classrooms.  They can wear sports clothes for these transition days and will be taking part in PE activities with Miss Knight.  At the end of the days, they will be dismissed from the small hall.  

18th July - Inflatable fun day and Year 6 leavers party 3.30-6

19th July - Year 6 graduation

19th July - School finishes at 2pm

The week's activities

The children have certainly played hard this week!  On Monday, they enjoyed a fabulous (and sweaty) time at Elev8, where they bounced, bounded, slid, rolled and sprung around.  It was lovely for the teachers to enjoy this playful side of Year 6 too.

On Tuesday, the children experienced a wet London but this did not dampen our spirits: the children enjoyed the River Cruise where we saw up close the Houses of Parliament, the Tate Modern and the Tower of London before embarking on the London Eye.  From this vantage point, we considered our text, The London Eye Mystery, and theorised how Salim could have disappeared.  We also used the leaflets that we created to locate the landmarks whilst up high on the London Eye. 













Next week is another busy week.  We will be rehearsing our assembly (ready for parents on Thursday 11th July at 9am) throughout the week and partaking in Sports Slam activities.  

Love to Learn

In order to carry your books home, please bring in two thick carrier bags (Bags for Life would work well) on Monday.  For our assembly on Thursday, read through the scripts so we are well prepared and sounding fantastic!

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695