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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News 28.06.24

Year 4 have had an absolutely amazing week and have been super engaged in all their learning.The highlight of our week was our Spanish day, where we celebrated all the hard work the children have put into our thematic lessons. The students looked fantastic in their best Spanish attire and were eager for a day filled with fun activities. We immersed ourselves in Spanish culture by learning Flamenco dancing and incorporating Castanets into our lively performances. Additionally, we indulged in traditional Spanish delicacies such as olives, sun-dried tomatoes, paella, Spanish oranges, and aioli. We also expanded our knowledge about Spain and picked up some basic Spanish vocabulary. 

The glorious weather has allowed us to take our learning outside more often. As the sun continues to shine, please ensure that your child comes to school wearing sun cream. You are welcome to provide a labelled bottle of sun cream for your child to top up before playtimes, ensuring they are protected throughout the day.


As we continue to read our class text 'I Was a Rat,' the children are truly engaged in how the narrative is unfolding, and it's a delight to see their enthusiasm for the story. This week, we have been learning about persuasive monologues and the art of describing characters from various viewpoints. The children have shown a super grasp of formal and informal language, and this has helped them develop their writing. They have impressively applied their knowledge to express contrasting viewpoints about Roger, using adventurous adjectives to craft vivid descriptions. The level of detail and creativity in their writing has been outstanding, and we are incredibly proud of Year 4!


This week in Maths has been all about perimeter and area, and I am so excited to share all the fantastic learning the children have been getting up to! We have been working on accurately measuring and calculating the perimeter, even when dealing with half measurements. It's been wonderful to see how the children have embraced this concept and applied their knowledge with such precision. The children have impressed us with how quickly they have grasped the idea of area. They have shown confidence in problem-solving tasks, demonstrating a sound understanding of the topic. They have also started comparing and ordering different areas, showing a real depth of knowledge. Next week, we will be delving into the realm of regular and irregular polygons. I am confident that with the enthusiasm and aptitude the children have displayed so far, they will approach this new topic with positivity and eagerness.


We have been exploring the fascinating world of living things, learning that they can be grouped in various ways. We have been liking at the loving things in England and comparing these to the ones found in Spain.  Our focus has been on using classification keys to help identify and name different living things in both their local surroundings and the wider environment. The children have been fully engaged in this topic and have shown a real passion for understanding the diversity of life around us. We have discussed how environments can change and the potential dangers this can pose to living things. The children have shown great empathy towards the importance of preserving habitats and making positive changes to protect our world's biodiversity. I encourage you to continue these discussions at home, perhaps by exploring your local area and identifying different living things together. It's fantastic to see the children so enthusiastic about the natural world, and we believe that by nurturing this curiosity, we can instill a sense of responsibility towards our environment.

Home learning

This week we have been looking at artwork from Andy Warhol. We would love to see some of the children’s recreation of some of his famous pieces or even create their own! Get creative and have fun!


eighth, pressure, various, woman, women, suppose, special, century, famous, medicine


Dates to remember

July 10th - Sports Day – KS2 – 9am – 11.30am

July 11th - Music evening

July 15th, 16th & 17th July - Chilton Transition days – The children will spend these 3 days with their new teacher(s)

July 18th - Inflatable fun day

July 19th - End of term – school finishes at 2pm


Hope you have a lovely weekend enjoying the sun!

The Year 4 team :) 

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695