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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News 07.06.24

Important dates

26th June - Transition workshop for year 6 parents 9-10 in small hall

28th June - Year 6 to Bettshanger (Boonies)

1st July - Year 6 to Elevate

2nd July - Year 6 to London 

3rd, 4th and 5th July - Year 6 transition days (dates vary depending on school they are transitioning to)

5th July - 3.15-5pm Summer Fair

10th July - Sports day KS2 9-11.30 and Year R/KS1 1.45-3

11th July - Year 6 assembly at 9am 

11th July - Music evening with Mr Redwood

11th July - Thanet Games Triathlon year 5 and 6

12th July - School reports out to parents

15th, 16th, 17th July - Transition days (children to spend these days with their new teachers)

18th July - Inflatable fun day and year 6 leavers party 3.30-6

19th July - Year 6 graduation

19th July - School finishes at 2pm

Next Wednesday (12th June), children will have an opportunity to learn some first aid as well as how to make pasta from scratch.  If they would like to bring in an apron that they may have, they are welcome to do so.  They will be able to take their pasta home as well as instructions on how to cook it, a recipe card to make the pasta again (if they would like) and some raw ingredients to make a sauce.  Please bring in a plastic lidded container (Tupperware tub or takeaway box) so children can take home their pasta. 


This week, we have thoroughly enjoyed writing a narrative about a famous cemetery in Paris.  We watched a short animation about a little girl who runs desperately through the Pere LaChaise graveyard.  We eventually discover that she is late for a piano lesson with the famous composer Chopin!  We tried to include all the skills that we have built up this year to create an engaging story.  Next week, we will begin our new text, 'The London Eye Mystery'.  This is an exciting story that the children will enjoy - especially with the thought of our London trip coming up.  The children will have a chance to act as detectives to investigate a mystery.


We have had an opportunity to apply our problem solving skills.  This week, we have worked systemically, worked backwards and used trial and improvement to unpick tricky problems.  We have collaborated as well as worked individually.  On Monday, we followed a card trick and the task was to work out the starting order of the cards.  We have played fun games that have tested our mathematical understanding.  Next week, we will explore more solving problem activities.


Our Healthy Relationships Week started off with us having a discussion about the unkind words that we may have experienced in school and how that differs (possibly) from when we are online.  We made some artwork that shows that words can indeed hurt us and last a long time.  On Tuesday, we watched a music video from 'Everybody's Talking About Jamie', a person who feels they cannot be their true self because of what people say about him.  We used drama to create dances, role-play and sing based on the song from the video.  Next week, we will begin our new thematic unit, 'Light It Up!'




We also welcomed Danny Crouch, an Olympic gymnast on Thursday.  After an interesting assembly (where we saw him back flip), he set us some active tasks that were fun and tiring!  We enjoyed him coming in.

Love to Learn

As part of this term's learning on the London Eye Mystery in English, we would like you to research a London landmark - it does not have to be the London Eye.  You can present this any way you would like.

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695