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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News 3.5.24


It has been such an exciting journey for the children to unravel the personalities and traits of the characters in the story ‘The Blind Man and the Hunter’. The children have done such a super job at enhance their descriptive language skills and analytical thinking. We have used a range of skills and have absolutely nailed using similes and metaphors!

We encourage you to continue supporting your child's learning by discussing the characters of the story with them at home. You could ask them questions like, "How would you describe the blind man's personality?" or "What traits make the hunter a compelling character?"



We have been diving into the world of multiplying two-digit numbers by two-digit numbers. The children have been using the grid method, which has been a great way for them to visualise the multiplication process. They have also been challenging themselves with the column method, which many have picked up with ease.

I am thrilled to announce that our little mathematicians are turning into multiplication whizzes! Their dedication to learning and understanding these concepts has been truly remarkable to witness.

There are lots of ways you might want to practice these skills at home. Practising multiplication through real-life scenarios such as shopping or cooking can be a fun and practical way to solidify their understanding! Have a look at some of our amazing grid methods!


This week has been all about science in thematic! We have been exploring how particles are arranged and how they move in each state of matter. We even practised being particles in solids, liquids and gasses! 

The children have thoroughly enjoyed getting hands-on with various materials and observing their different properties. It's been fab to watch them engage with the subject and ask such insightful questions.

One of the highlights of our week was conducting an experiment to find the melting point of butter. The children were like true scientists, carefully measuring, observing, and recording their findings. It was wonderful to see their enthusiasm and curiosity in action!


Home learning

Home learning is continued from last week. We will be learning about The Water Cycle. We would like you to find out about this and show what you have learnt in some way. This could be a labelled diagram, a poster, a painting with labels, a paragraph of writing explaining what happens in the water cycle, a PowerPoint presentation, a 3D model of the water cycle or any other way you would like to present what you find out.

You have 2 weeks to complete this task so please could this home learning challenge be handed in by Wednesday 8th May.

Get creative and have fun!!!


Reading Challenge

We are really upping the ante on our reading this term! The children have loved getting involved in their reading for pleasure and we would love to encourage this as much as possible at home. 

We have set a reading challenge for the rest of the term. Please log onto - they can log in with their AR log ins, read the books that have been set on our topic and then take the quiz! They will have until 17th May to complete this. 



Our spellings this week are:

illegal, illogical, illegible, irregular, irrelevant, irresponsible, irrational, irresistible


Dates to remember  

21st May - Year 3 and 4 Viking Games at Upton Junior School

23rd May - Year 4 trip to Marlowe Theatre

24th May - Dress to Express day and Be here, be you, belong parade at 2.15 on school field

24th May - Last day of term


We hope you have the best weekend and enjoy the bank holiday.

We will see you on Tuesday.


The Year 4 Team 😊

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695