Weekly News 19.1.24
In English this week, the children have learnt how to write a 5 part story. They have rewritten the story 'Fly, Eagle, Fly' into 5 parts - beginning, build up, problem, problem solved and ending. They have learnt how and when to start a new paragraph and have done very well with remembering to do this all week. We have also recapped how to include dialogue in a story, learnt to use a variety of sentence openers and use a range of simple, compound and complex sentences. The stories that they wrote across the week were brilliant; well done Year 4!
Next week, we will be starting our new book called 'Pebble in my Pocket' and learning about setting descriptions.
In maths this week we have been learning to divide 2 and 3-digit numbers using short division (we often call this the bus stop method). The children used their excellent knowledge of their times tables facts to help them solve division calculations accurately and rapidly. We also had a look at how to solve some of these calculations that would result in a remainder. Here are some examples of the types of questions we were doing: