Weekly Learning 06.10.23
- Thank you to all those who have been able to donate to our Harvest festival and if you were able to come to our Year 5 and 6 Harvest Assembly.
- Parent/Teacher Consultations are on Wednesday 18th October @17:00-19:00 and Thursday 19th October @15:30-17:30 for all Year 6 teachers. We would like to invite you to your child's book look prior to Parent/Teacher Consultations, at 15:00 on Thursday
- Fact of the Week: 6 x 8 = 48!
- For your Love to Learn this week, we would like you to do a survey of all the plants in your garden (or local park). This week, we classified plants into 4 main types: flowering plants, conifers (seed-producing); ferns and mosses/algae (non-seed-producing). You can present your findings in your own, appropriate way (like a frequency table of bar graph).
This week, we have been learning how to characterise, thinking about the traits of each character in the story. Floodland. From this, we wrote a dialogue between two people, using how they speak and what they say to help understand them. To celebrate National Poetry on Thursday, we performed the poem Tiger Tiger by William Blake. We considered the use of voice and large actions to gain the attention of the audience.
To start the week, we used place value to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000. Manipulatives were really effective to help support out learning. We then challenged our partners to help understand multiples and this led us on to finding factors of numbers. At the end of the week, we explored prime numbers and their relationship to multiples and factors.
To continue our learning of Charles Darwin and his study of living things as he began to understand how organisms evolved through natural selection in order to survive, we went outside and studied the trees and plants on the school grounds. We asked the question: does it have seeds? This way of classification was a smart way to sort the plants we found. From this discrete data, we created a bar graph.
We were very kindly lent some bones from Powell-Cotton museum at Quex. This has helped us to understand how living things have adapted to suit their environment. We loved studying the skeletons, which included a leopard's skull, elephant tooth and river hog skull, and asking questions about them. On Thursday, we applied our drawing skills from this term to sketch what we saw. Scan the QR code for some more of us drawing!