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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News! 29/09/2023

We have all had an incredibly busy week this week in Team Aqua and Team Topaz. Look at what we have been up to….


This week in maths we have been learning to subtract on a hundred square! At the beginning of the week, we looked at subtracting a one-digit number from a two-digit number by going backwards on a hundred square. Take a look at us in action!

Then we learnt how to subtract 10 from a 2-digit number, by jumping up 1 for 10, 2 jumps up for 20 etc.

Please find a video below that shows our steps to success and how we did our learning today. We will be continuing our subtracting a 2-digit number by another 2 digit number next week!

Fact of the week!

There will be a letter from Mrs Cotton going out shortly explaining our Fact of the week.

Next week our Fact of the Week is 9 + 1 = 10


This week in English we have continued our book Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Book by Lauren Child. At the beginning of the week, we summarised what happened in the story. We then learnt to describe a setting using nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. We even created our own characters for our story. We finished the week planning and writing our story using a story board.

Please find attached a link below if you would like to listen to the story at home.


In RWI this week we have been focusing on building up their fluency when reading, this included their pace, speed, expressions and reading punctuation. Any additional practice at home will be hugely beneficial.

SPAG (Spellings, Punctuation and Grammar)

This week in SpaG we have been looking at the sound families ee, ea, ey, y and igh, ie, i-e and y. Sometimes, when writing we tend to use the simpler sounds, so this week we have been recapping sounds to ensure we use the alternative sounds. Please see examples below of the sound families.


Thematic curriculum

This week we were Scientists! We compared the seeds we planted and recorded our results in a table. We then wrote a conclusion and explained our finding and what our results showed.


This week in computing we spoke about the importance of being safe online and the reason for having a password and username. We then explored Scratch Jr. using the Ipads to make objects move in different directions. Then, with our learning partners, we created flower art that moved by using simple algorithms. For example, the flower art could spin, move up or down or get bigger or smaller!


This week in art we gave the children the question  If I wanted to make light blue, what would I add to blue? If I wanted to make a dark blue, what would I add to blue? Using the colours red, blue, white and black we created tints with paint by adding white and created tones with paint by adding black.



In Handwriting, we have been practising our print letters using the RWI patters. Super handwriting Team Aqua and Team Topaz!


Next week in:

Next week in English we will be starting a new book called Rapunzel by Bethan Woollvin. We will start the week making predictions on the book and clarifying new vocabulary. Here is a sneak preview of the front cover… 




Next week in Maths we will be continuing with subtracting on a 100 square! We will be learning to subtract a 2 digit number by another 2 digit number.

Next week in Thematic we will continue to be scientists and explore the difference between evergreen and deciduous trees.



Other News

We have had a few questions regarding what our days look like and what we are up to. Please find below a timetable of what our week looks like…



Harvest Assembly is Tuesday 3rd October at 2.45pm. Please enter the school via the main school office.

As part of the celebrations, we will also be collecting food that we will be donating to Thanet Food Bank. WE will be taking donations between Wednesday 27th September and Monday 2nd October. If you are able to donate, the food bank accepts any tinned, jarred or packet foods that are in date.

In addition to this, as part of our celebrations all children will be entered into a raffle to win Captain Moo Man and Paulo, our reward bears from last year.

Sports Project is on a Monday afternoon (please wear trainers and normal school clothes).

PE is on a Tuesday afternoon please can all children come into school in their PE kits (plain navy or black shorts or trousers, plain white t-shirt and a navy sweatshirt).


Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all on Monday!  

Miss Hall, Miss Davey and Mrs Barlow


Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695