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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly news! 8.9.23


We have all had an incredibly busy first week in Team Aqua and Team Topaz, look at what we have been up to….


This week in maths we have started the term with learning about Number and place value. Our focus this has been to recognise the place value of each digit in a 2-digit number and to order and compare numbers up to 100. Look at our fantastic learning with base 10!


This week in English we have started Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Book by Laura Child. We started the week by looking at the front cover and predicting what the book is about and who the main characters are. We have been working hard on our writing this week constructing and punctuating simple sentences.

Please find attached a link below if you would like to listen to the story at home.


In RWI this week we have been focusing on building up their fluency when reading, this included their pace, speed, expressions and reading punctuation. Any additional practice at home will be hugely beneficial.

SPAG (Spellings, Punctuation and Grammar)

This week we have been punctuating simple sentences with capital letters and full stops accurately and checking our sentences make sense.  The Spellings we have been focusing on this week are the or sound with a before l or ll. E.g. walk, talk, ball and wall.


For our first week back at school we have been focusing on our One Childhood, One Chance. We have discussed the importance of the Chilton Way; Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe and our Values; Respect, Equality, Courage, Kindness. We discussed how we might show this and what they mean.


In Handwriting, we have been practising our print letters using the RWI patters. Super handwriting Team Aqua and Team Topaz!

Next week in:

Next week in English we will be continuing our book Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Book by Lauren Child. Where we will be introducing adjectives and expanded noun phrases for the children to use in their writing.

Next week in Maths we will be looking at partitioning and recombining 2-digit numbers into 10s and 1s and in different ways using part, part, whole. E.g. the number 45; 20 and 25, 10 and 35, 20 and 25 etc.

Next week we will begin our Thematic Sow and Grow! We will be learning about what a botanist is and look at George Forrest and what he discovered through botany.


Other News

We have had a few questions regarding what our days look like and what we are up to. Please find below a timetable of what our week looks like…


Sports Project is on a Monday afternoon (please wear trainers and normal school clothes).

PE is on a Tuesday afternoon please can all children come into school in their PE kits (plain navy or black shorts or trousers, plain white t-shirt and a navy sweatshirt).

AR – Accelerated Reader have completed a whole system update over the summer and the website is currently being updated. Whilst this is still on-going we do not have access to this. We will send updates once this becomes available again.


Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all on Monday!  

Miss Hall, Miss Davey and Mrs Barlow


Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695