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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News 8.9.23

Hello all and welcome to Year 4's first weekly blog post. Each week, we will let you know what we have been up to. Here's this weeks round up...


In English this week we have started reading our first text called Gregory Cool by Caroline Binch. The children have explored some of the settings in the beginning of the story such as a Trinidadian house in the moonlight and Gregory’s sunny bedroom. The children have worked incredibly hard this week on their writing, and it is hard to believe it is only their first week back in Year 4! They have shown that they can confidently use expanded noun phrases, verbs and adverbs to describe the settings from the story. We finished the week looking at how we were starting our sentences in our setting descriptions; trying not to use boring words like ‘the’ or ‘a’ and instead trying to use a range of fronted adverbials. Next week, we will finish our setting descriptions unit looking at similes and prepositions, and then we will begin learning how to write recounts such as letters and diary entries. 


It has been ‘Number and Place Value’ week in Year 4. We have been learning to read and write numbers with 5 digits in digits/numerals and in words. The children have learnt that the place value column before thousands is ten of thousands and this has helped them to read numbers such as 53,984. We have also been finding 1, 10, 100 or 1000 more or less than numbers up to 4 digit numbers. The children were masters at knowing what the place value of each digit represents in a 4 digit number e.g. in 3792, the 7 represent 700 or 7 hundreds. Last of all, we completed this week’s learning by ordering and comparing numbers. Here are some photos of us representing numbers using place value counters and diennes blocks (base ten blocks).

Thematic curriculum 

This week has been a PSHE week were we have been learning about The Chilton Way rules (be ready, be respectful, be safe), our Chilton Values (respect, equality, courage and kindness), and about emotional regulation and how we can get back to the green zone. In our Oracy learning, we have discussed and set our class talk partner guidelines.

Love to Learn 

The children will be bringing their Love to learn books home this week. Their challenge for this week is to decorate their books and write their name and class clearly on the front cover. It would be great if their front cover could reflect things they like or their hobbies. 


This week we have focussed on these red words – actual, address, accident, answer, appear, arrive. Other words to practice – answered, answering, arriving, arrived. Challenge words to practice – various, experience.  

Other News 

  • Please could the children bring their reading records into school every day. The minimum expectation for reading in Year 4 is four times a week. We appreciate your support with this.

Dates to remember  

  • PE day is Thursday

  • Sports project day (where trainers can be worn with full uniform) is Wednesday

Many thanks,

The Year 4 Team

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695