Week beginning Monday 13th March Team Indigo and Team Royal
Wow what a fantastic week we have had in Team Indigo and Team Royal, take a look at what we have been up to this week….
This week in maths we have been looking at time! We started the week looking at O’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. Later in the week we then looked at 5 minute intervals on the clock and made our own clock to help us tell the time.
Guided Reading
This week in Guided Reading we continued with our book ‘How to Find Gold’ by Viviane Schwarz. We focused on building up on our comprehension skills by answering questions about an illustration for example, what is Anna thinking here? How do you know? We then looked at how we could answer these questions using full sentences.
This week in English we continued our book ‘How to Find Gold’ by Viviane Schwarz. We started the week describing characters looks and personalities using adjectives, we challenged ourselves to self-edit our learning and where we could improve on our adjectives to make them more interesting. To finish the week off, we created our very own sea monster adjectives to write a detailed character description of the sea monster. We then used verbs and adverbs to describe how the character moves in different ways. We were phenomenal at this!
Each week we will be practising new spellings. If you would like to have a go at home, the spellings for the English group are:
The spellings for the RWI group are:
Thematic Curriculum
This week in our thematic curriculum we became Geographers! We compared human and physical geographical features in the United Kingdom and South America.
Love 2 Learn
Swimming and Sports Project
We will be swimming on a Thursday, please can children come into school in their PE kits on this day. Please can children also bring in a swimming bag that is clearly labelled with swimming wear, towel, goggles and a snack in their bag for after swimming.
Sports Project will continue on a Monday please can children come in their school uniform and wear trainers.
Next Week:
Next week in maths we are going to be looking at fractions!