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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 3rd March

What a wonderful week Year 5 have had! We loved seeing the children's fantastic world book day outfits!


This week in maths we have been learning how to use the four operations to solve multi-step word problems using the bar model. We used the acronym RUCSAC (read, understand, choose, solve, answer, check) to break down each problem and find the answer. We also took part in an investigation lesson, discussing what the term 'working backwards' means in maths, and how we can use the inverse to solve problems. 

Next week, we will be moving on to solve problems involving converting units of time and reading information from timetables. 


In English, we created our own mythological creatures based on Ancient Greek mythology, before writing our own non-chronological reports on these. We used the active and passive voice to describe our creature's appearance, habitat and diet and strengths and weaknesses. 

Next week, we will be writing character descriptions of the characters in our book 'The Adventures of Odysseus', focussing on using figurative language and ambitious vocabulary.


In our afternoon lessons, we have been learning about the History of Ancient Greece. We began the week by learning about the origins of the ancient Olympic games, making comparisons and contrasts to the modern day games. We then moved on to learn about ancient Greek philosophers, such as Archimedes, Hippocrates and Pythagoras, and their influence on the modern world. 

Next week, we will be continuing our history lessons by learning about mythological creatures and their influence on life in Ancient Greece. 

Home Learning

For home learning, we would like children to create their own non-chronological reports on an Ancient Greek philosopher. This could be on one of the philosophers that we have already learnt about (Hippocrates, Archimedes, Pythagoras) or somebody else. A book has been assigned on MyOn to support with this, but children can also do their own research. 

Important Messages

  • PE is on a Friday. Please could children come to school in full school PE kit and trainers on this day.

  • Sports Project is on a Wednesday. Please could children come to school in full school uniform and trainers on this day.

  • Friday 17th March is Comic Relief. This year the theme is do something funny for money. Children could come to school in their pyjamas or have crazy hair. Children are also welcome to wear their own clothes to school on this day. 

  • Monday 13th March - Siblings Come Dine With Me

  • Tuesday 21st March - Year 5 Come Dine With Me

  • Friday 24th March (3:15-3:45) - Book Look prior to parent consultations

  • Friday 31st March - Final day of term four.

Have a lovely weekend!

The Year 5 Team 

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695