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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 3 Weekly News


Our writing this week has been phenomenal. We have been writing setting descriptions using a range of different skills. We have been using our expanded noun phrases and verb and adverb pairs as well as fronted adverbials. We wrote beautiful descriptions of the faraway tree. 

World Book day was so much fun! The children looked fantastic and we had a wonderful day with lots and lots and LOTS of reading! The children explored poetry and we learnt to perform two special poems that we hope to show you in our celebration assembly in a few weeks. We spent the afternoon creating beautiful art work to go with our learning. 

Next week we will be continuing to write settings, creating our own lands that could be at the top of the tree.


We began the week consolidating our division knowledge - we moved onto using the short method, using our understanding from the previous week.

Short Division [Bus Stop Method] | Teaching Resources

We then moved on to learning about statistics. We were able to create our own bar chats, then interpreted data from different representations. 

Next week we will be using all four operations (add, subtract, multiply and divide).


In Science this week we have been learning all about forces. We explored friction with an experiment where we tested different materials. We then learnt about magnets and magnetism. We found out that some metals are magnetic. We learnt about attraction and repelling. Next week we will be learning all about light and shadows. 

Love to Learn

READING: Children in Year 3 are expected to read at home at least three times a week. It is really important that the children bring in their reading records daily so that we can check in with progress and read with the children in school. MyOn is a great way for children to read independently. Once a book has been read on MyOn it will ask you to quiz and direct you to the AR website. Please read as often as possible at home. Thank you for your support.


Recap our learning with this great site - have a go at the quizzes and games. 

Spellings - a as o sound









Have a great weekend,

The Year 3 Team

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695