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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 4 Weekly News 10.2.23


Our one hour of extra PE will be on Wednesday this term, please can the children be wearing trainers on Wednesdays.

The children should be reading at least 4 times a week. Please ensure they are quizzing as much as possible.

Love to Learn:

On Friday 24th March, we will be having our annual trust speaker competition. As part of this, 3 children from each school within the trust will be invited to deliver a speech. This year the title for the speaker event is:


 'You wouldn't believe it but...'


-It is expected that children start with this phrase and then the content can be literally anything that follows on! This is wonderfully open-ended; meaning the children can follow on with a wide range of responses from oral stories to more formal speeches about matters that fascinate them.

-The competition is open to KS2 pupils only

-The children's speech can last no longer than 2 minutes

-No slides, props or music are allowed


During the half term holidays, we would like the children to have a go at writing an entry for the competition. They will then spend time in class editing, improving and rehearsing their speech. Each class will then pick one child to go forward to the school based final. From this, three children will be chosen to represent Chilton at 'The Speaker 2023 final'. We cannot wait to see the amazing entries the children produce. Good luck, everyone!


This Week:

In maths this week, the children have been progressing their learning around decimals. They began the week by writing decimal equivalents to tenths and hundredths, they also looked at decimal equivalents to a quarter, a half and three quarters. We then finished the week by comparing and rounding decimals.

In English, the children planned and wrote their own ending to the ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’. They used the ending to base their own ideas on how to save Ahmet’s family by meeting the queen. They used a variety of different nouns and pronouns, prepositions and emotive language.

In PSHE this week, the children have been looking at Internet safety. We talked about the different dangers and what children should be aware of when they are on the Internet. It is important to talk through children’s own experiences and how they feel about online safety whilst showing them what they can do and should be doing if things happen online.

Have a lovely half-term and we are looking forward to welcoming you back soon!

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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695