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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 4 Weekly News 3.2.23


Our one hour of extra PE will be on Wednesday this term, please can the children be wearing trainers on Wednesdays.

The children should be reading at least 4 times a week. Please ensure they are quizzing as much as possible.

Love to Learn:

We would like the children to revise all of their learning on the topic this term. The children could create a poster of what they have learnt. They should include information about soundwaves, pitch and vibrations.

This Week:

In maths this week, the children were learning the bus stop method for division. The children looked at how to use remainders. Later in the week, the children started to learn about fractions of amounts.

In English, the children planned and wrote a newspaper article based on the class text. They learnt to use features such as sentence openers, conjunctions to add information, quotations and formal language.

In Art this week, the children experimented with watercolours by using different brush techniques. They then built up their skills until they created their own David Bowie album cover.


Next Week:

In maths next week, the children will be working on:

· Recognise and write decimal equivalents of any number of tenths of hundredths

· Recognise and write decimal equivalents.

· Compare numbers with the same number of decimal places (up to 2 decimal places)

· Round decimals with one decimal place to the nearest whole number.


In English, the children will be…


To complete the children’s learning on the Thematic Curriculum, ‘Make Some Noise’. The children will take an end of term quiz to review their learning.


In RE, the children will learn about Hindu worship at home and at the Mandir. This will include learning about some important aspects of Hindu beliefs in God; identifying some characteristics of Hindu gods and Goddesses; why a shrine is a special place in a Hindu home and why puja is important for Hindus, and how it is practised at home.


Next week is healthy relationships week. Part of this learning will include online safety where the children will learn what it means to be safe online and why it is important to be so. They will also learn:


· What issues really matter to them?

· What changes do they want to see?

· How can we all work together to advocate for them moving forward?


Blue Peter’s Amazing Authors Competition

Blue Peter is giving a young writer the money can't buy prize of getting their story brought to life by children's author, Tom Fletcher. 


Children will be asked to write an original short story, or poem (under 400 words) about adventure; thinking too about exciting characters at the heart of it.  The winning story will be made into an audio book voiced by Tom Fletcher and be animated to be shown on Blue Peter and CBeebies Bedtime Stories.  They will go behind the scenes to experience the book publication and animation process, receive a printed copy of their story, a framed still from the animation and an orange competition winner’s badge.

To enter Blue Peter’s Amazing Authors Competition please read the rules below. This competition is open for entries now and will close at 5pm on Wednesday 8th March 2023. This competition is open to children aged 5-8, 9-11 and 12-15 years.

Blue Peter is giving a young writer the money can't buy prize of getting their story brought to life by children's author, Tom Fletcher. 

Click here to access the full competition information

Please enter some content for your blog post here.

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695