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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News! w/b: 23.1.23

We've been working hard this week in Year 1, read on to find out what we have been learning about...

Read, Write Inc

This week we have been practising how to build sentences in order to help us use our own ideas and write more independently. Some of us were reading a book about haircuts, so we played a game of would you rather at the hairdressers! We took it in turns to choose two wigs and ask the class which hairstyle they would prefer, making sure to use adjectives. Then we wrote down the style we wanted on whiteboards, to practice spelling using our special friends, before trying out our new look. What do you think of our new hair?

In each reading folder, there is a sound card and list of red words. Any practise with these at home would be extremely helpful and support your child’s reading and writing at home.

Every morning can all children place their reading folders inside their house trays in the conservatory please :) This helps us keep track of their reading and how many books they have read. Thank you. 


This week in maths we have been focussing on word problems. We started the week practising how to write the numbers 1-20 in words, and this helped us when it came to decoding the word problems later on. We also focussed on the different vocabulary that we would encounter, including: addition, subtraction, plus, minus, take away, total, altogether, less than, greater, etc). This was very useful in helping us to decide which operation to use, and we used a range of strategies to help us find the answers, such as number lines, crossing out and tens frames.

Thematic Curriculum

This week we have been learning all about healthy and unhealthy eating practices in Design Technology.  We discussed where our food comes from (home-grown, farmed, plants, animals) and how some food is processed before we buy it. Then we started to think about how we could group food into healthy and unhealthy categories before learning about food groups in more detail using the Eatwell Plate Guide, take a look at our marvellous sorting activity! We ended the week with a big write based around the story ‘Daisy eat your peas!’.

Next week…

In Maths, we will be measuring and comparing mass.

Monday is Computing Day! We will be learning how to identify technology and computer parts and practising how to use a mouse in different ways.

On Tuesday, we will be continuing with our design technology, planning, making and evaluating our own plate of healthy (real) food!

Our 'I Care About Me!' Exit point which was scheduled for Wednesday, for which children can bring in their pyjamas, slippers, teddy and blanket in a bag for an afternoon sleep workshop, will be postponed to Monday 6th February.

Friday is Number Day! The children are invited to dress in number themed clothing, as a Times Table Rockstar or as a Maths Superhero for a voluntary donation for the NSPCC charity. The children will undertake a range of creative maths challenges throughout the day. In addition, parents are invited to join their child for a problem-solving activity, in their classroom, at 2:30pm until the end of the day. 

Love to Learn: 

This week we would like you to choose an item of food and record where it comes from and the journey and changes it goes through before we come to eat it. YouTube is a good place to research how different food products are made. You may document this in photographs, illustrations or words (extra brownie points as always for children who challenge themselves to explain in writing!). Examples...


Crisps start as potatoes that are grown in the ground. These potatoes are harvested before being transported to a factory in which they are processed and packaged. The crisp packets are then transported to different food outlets where we can go to buy things for our packed lunches! 



Other news:

Sports Project will remain on Tuesdays, as will P.E. on Thursdays.

Doors will continue to open in the morning at 8:30am. Registration will be at the slightly earlier time of 8:45am (doors close at this time)

Read at 3 - Every Friday at 3 our doors will be open for you to come in and read with your child, please note, this will be for the full 15 minutes and children should not leave any earlier. Their books will be set up and ready for you to come in and enjoy listening to their wonderful reading.

Please listen to your child read as much as possible at home and record this in their reading records. Every week, one child from each class will receive a reading certificate in our Chilton Heroes assembly and there are also individual class prizes to be won :)

Mrs Howard will be teaching Team Topaz on a Wednesday and Team Aqua on a Thursday.

Dates to remember

Friday 3rd February - NSPCC Number Day - Please dress up in number themed clothing, a times tables rock star or a maths superhero! 

Monday 6th February -  I Care About Me! Exit point. Children can bring in their pyjamas, slippers, teddy and blanket in a bag for an afternoon sleep workshop!


Number Day is back on Friday 3rd February. The children are invited to dress in number themed clothing, as a Times Table Rockstar or as a Maths Superhero for a voluntary donation for the NSPCC charity. The children will undertake a range of creative maths challenges throughout the day. In addition, parents are invited to join their child for a problem-solving activity, in their classroom, at 2:30pm until the end of the day. 

Have a wonderful weekend,  

Mrs Winchcombe, Miss Bryson and all the Year 1 team.


Mrs Poppy Winchcombe – Team Topaz –

Miss Polly Bryson – Team Aqua -

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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695