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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance


Year 4 Swimming takes place every Thursday afternoon. Team Periwinkle will be back to school at the later time.

Our one hour of extra PE will be on Wednesday this term, please can the children be wearing trainers on Wednesdays.

The children should be reading at least 4 times a week. Please ensure they are quizzing as much as possible.

Important Dates

Number Day will be on Friday 3rd February. The children are invited to dress up in number themed clothing, as a maths superhero or a times table Rockstar.  Parents will also be invited in from 2:30pm to undertake a maths problem solving activity with their child in the classroom.

Parent Workshops. Punctuation and Grammar - come and learn with your child!

You are invited into our child's classroom in Term 3 to learn more about how we teach Punctuation and Grammar at Chilton Primary School.  These sessions will help you support your child's learning.  

Come and learn with your child in their class!

Sessions are 3.15-3.45pm on Tuesday 24th January in your child’s classroom.

Love to Learn

There will be a practical task of making musical instruments this week. If you have any recycling materials your child can bring in, it would be much appreciated. If they could bring these in before Wednesday.

We would also like the children to research about David Bowie. We would like them to consider why he is courageous in their opinions from this research.

This Week:

In maths this week, the children were working on adding and subtracting decimals. The children focused on using place value correctly and applying their understanding of addition and subtraction.

In English, the children started by writing poetry. They focused on the lives of refugees and their circumstances. Later in the week, the children planned and wrote a balanced report arguing whether a character in the class text should have or should not have involved themselves in a disagreement. Emotive language, conjunctions and poetic features were some of the skills covered.

In Science, the children undertook different investigations based on sound and pitch. Predictions were made and then the children undertook practical activities to test their theories.


Next Week:

In maths next week, the children will be working on:

>Using the distributive law: 32x3 = (30x3) + (2x3) = 90+6 = 96

>To use associative law to multiply three numbers

>To solve problems using scaling

To derive multiplication and division facts from three digit numbers


In English, the children will be beginning to look at persuasion, concentrating on persuasive sentence openers, turning opinion into fact and model verbs.


In Science, the children will continue consolidating their understanding of pitch and volume. They will undertake an investigation focusing on creating a fair test. In addition, the children will look at how sound waves are formed and the different ways of representing them. The children will also be making musical instruments based on their understanding of how sound is made.


In PSHE, the children will continue their work on this term’s champion: David Bowie. They will learn more about why he is courageous but also experiment with his unique sense of style. The children will use face paints to recreate some of his unique looks. Please do inform the class teacher if this is not appropriate for your child as we are aware some children have allergies.





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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695