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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

End of term 5!

What a fantastic end to term we have had. The children celebrated their individuality and coming together as a team! Thank you to all of your for your support during our Be Here, Be You, Belong parade. The children absolutely loved having you there.


This week in RWI we have continued to learn set 2 sounds, and review set 1. We continue to challenge the children with trickier words to read and write. Team Aqua’s writing focus this week was about Jack and the Beanstalk. Team Topaz wrote sentences describing the birds from A Busy Day For Birds. Children worked hard to retell the story, whilst remembering what they need for a sentence. We also wrote about the beans in our bean experiment. We found that beans/ seeds need water, sunlight and space to grow.


In maths this week, we started by recapping our learning of more than and fewer than. We picked a number card, then had to find a number more or fewer. We said in a sentence eg 5 is fewer than 8, 10 is more than 6. Later in the week, we continued our learning about sharing. We had to remember to count out the number we were starting with, then share them between the divisors.


In Topic this week, we learnt about the lifecycle of a bean. We watched a video of the stages a bean goes through as it grows- seed, germination, leaf growth and flower. We then created our own drawings of the stages of a bean. Later in the week we learnt about the artist Andy Goldsworthy. He is an artist who creates sculptures using what is in the environment. We were inspired by this, and were artists for the day. We went into the forest school, and worked in groups to create our own art. Look at our fantastic work!


The school are taking part in the 'Cummings Sandwich Art Competition'. Please see last week’s blog for information.

Children will return to school on Tuesday 7th June at normal time.


Many thanks from the EYFS team


Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695