What an amazing week for year 3! Let's have a look at what we’ve been up to.
This week we started our new text “The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane”. On Tuesday we read the first chapter of the book and discovered Edward Tulane was a toy rabbit. Before we read the book we predicted what it might be about. After we read chapter 1 we spoke about whether our predictions had changed. On Wednesday, the children brought in all their lovely, amazing toys from home and our writing was a description of our toy and why they were special. We finished the week with a character description of Edward Tulane. The children really impressed us with their writing this week!
This week we have been looking at volume and capacity. We first learnt the difference using containers and water and then looked more in-depth at how to read scales. The children originally struggled with this concept but by the end of the week they were so confident and made the year 3 team so proud. We have also continued our number bond and times table practice as these are core skills needed for our adding and subtracting next week.
In Re this week we’ve been learning about the religion of Islam, specifically about their rites of passage (important life events). We learned that Islam is based on the five pillars which of the highest importance. They are: Shahadah (one God), Salat (Islamic prayer), Zakat (charity), Sawm (Ramadan) and Hajj (pilgrimage). Later in the week, we looked at muslim birth ceremonies, weddings and Hajj. The children really engaged with this learning and had a lot of insightful questions.
This week our focus in PSHE has been healthy relationships. We have spoken a lot about unkind words, the effect on other people and the effect on ourselves when we say or hear unkind words. We then developed this thinking into how to deal with these situations in a calm, peaceful way, including how to deal with our own feelings.
Home learning
READING: Children in Year 3 are expected to read at home at least three times a week. It is really important that the children bring in their reading records daily so that we can check in with progress and read with the children in school. MyOn is a great way for children to read independently. Once a book has been read on MyOn it will ask you to quiz and direct you to the AR website. Please read as often as possible at home. Thank you for your support
Writing: Write a character description of a character from a book you love. You could include details about their: appearance, manner/personality, actions, clothes, thoughts.
This week we have been focusing on our ea/oi sounds and our red words (high frequency words). Please practice these at home.
Coming up…
On Friday 23rd June, Chilton will be holding it’s annual Summer fair from 3:15pm – 5pm. This year we will have a wide range of fun activities for you all to enjoy including;
Bouncy Castle, Inflatable bungee course, Go-Karts, Ice cream van, soak the teacher, beat the keeper, hook a duck, tin can alley, nerf gun target, raffles, tombola and much more.
On Friday 16th June, we will also be inviting the children to wear non-school uniform, in exchange for fair donations. We will ask KS2 children to bring a bottle for our tombola stall. Reception and KS1 children we ask that you provide 1 prize for our raffle. This year we are doing a rainbow raffle and ask the children bring a prize that matches their house colour e.g. red romans bring a red prize and so on.
Class phots will be happening on the 22nd June this year.
The expectations of uniform is that hair is tied back if it is below the shoulders. Hoodies (apart from those provided by the school) are not permitted and children should be wearing school shoes, not trainers apart from on Sports Project days. PE kit should be navy or black with a white t-shirt.