What another amazing week from Year 4! They’ve all been working so hard and enjoying the weather while the sun is still shining.
This week in Maths we have been recapping what we know about adding large numbers together using the column method. We have practised adding 4-digit numbers (sometimes sneaking into the ten thousandths column) and learning to recognise the common mistakes that we need to avoid. On Wednesday, we took our learning outside to try and find and complete as many questions as possible. It was so much fun!
Next week we will be sticking with the column method but learning to subtract 4-digit numbers from each other.
In English this week we have been learning more about Trinidad and Tobago (where our book, Gregory Cool, was set) and writing more recounts. We learnt about the wildlife you can find there such as the endangered white-tailed hummingbird and brain coral. We have then been imagining Gregory and Lennox going on different adventures like going to the reptile zoo and Lennox visiting Gregory in London. We wrote recounts of these adventures and demonstrated fantastic use of emotive language, time conjunctions and showing how different characters can have opposing viewpoints.
Next week we will be starting on our new book ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes.
Carrying on from last week’s learning about how sound is made, this week we have been learning how sound creates vibrations in the air and how those vibrations change when the volume and/or pitch is altered. We created pan pipes from straws to see how the different lengths of the straws create different pitches. Later on, we conducted experiments to see how to alter the volume certain materials make, and we recorded our findings concisely and accurately.
Next week we will be expanding our experimentation skills by planning an experiment in advance and predicting the results.
This week’s spellings are those that begin with the prefix dis-
disable, disagree, disappear, disability, dislike, dishonest, disobey, disarm, calendar, caught, centre
Challenge words: disqualify, disassemble
Love to Learn
This week’s task is a Maths task. Pick 5 of the Maths problems below and solve them using the column method in your book. Feel free to complete these in pen, pencil, crayon etc and we don’t often get to decorate our Maths work so feel free to decorate the space around the equations however you like.
34 + 51 =
421 + 363 =
3673 + 6215 =
1492 + 8507 =
5722 + 2419 =
8989 + 7680 =
43,787 + 21,444 =
Harvest information
Later this term, we will be celebrating Harvest. As part of this, we would like to invite families in to watch our Harvest Assembly. These will take place in the school hall on the following dates:
Tuesday 1st October: 9am Year R and 1 and 2.45pm Year 2 and 3
Wednesday 2nd October: 9am Year 4 and 5 and 2.45pm Year 6
Please enter the school via the main school office.
As part of the celebrations, we will also be collecting food that we will be donating to Thanet Food Bank. We will be taking donations between Wednesday 25th September and Monday 30th September. If you are able to donate, the food bank accepts any tinned, jarred or packet foods that are in date. As a celebration of the donations all children will be entered into a draw to win last years' celebration teddy bears, Kenneth and Susan.
Dates to remember
Wednesday 2nd October – 9am Year 4 and 5 Harvest assembly for parents
Wednesday 2nd October – 2.45pm Year 6 Harvest assembly for parents
Saturday 5th October – Cross Country
Tuesday 8th October – Flu vaccines
Friday 11th October – Fancy dress Disco Year 1, 2 and 3 from 3.15-4.15pm and Year 4, 5 and 6 4.30pm-5.30pm
Thursday 24th October – Parents invited into look at children’s books at 3.15pm
Friday 25th October – Inset day – School closed to children