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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News 8.12.23

What an amazing week we have had in Year 3. Let’s have a look at what we have been up to.


Our English learning this week has seen us finish our class text ‘The Princess and the White Bear King’. The children really loved the book and were very confident when it came to our AR quiz. In writing this week, we finished our five part narratives which were incredible! We focused on a different skill for each part of our story including vocabulary for tension and suspense, verb choices (action words) and sentence openers.

Next week, we will be focusing on Christmas poetry. We will be looking at different rhyming patterns and writing our own Christmas poem.


This week in Maths, we have continued our learning on measurement. We started the week by learning how to measure mass in g and kg. We explored different types of scales and then practised reading these scales. We then moved on to measuring volume and capacity – capacity is the amount of liquid a container can hold whereas volume is the amount of liquid within the container. The children were fab at measuring volume and capacity and really impressed us with their hard work.

Next week, we will continue our learning on measure by learning how to solve scaling problems involving length, mass and volume.

Fact of the Week

Next week our fact of the week is:

8 x 3 = 24


In our punctuation and grammar lessons this week, we have been learning about time conjunctions and how to use them correctly in a sentence.

In spelling, we learnt how to spell words ending in -ation, such as preparation and limitation. We also continued to practice our Year 2 red words (words that don’t follow regular spelling patterns).

We will be doing a spelling assessment of all the Year 2 red words next week so there are no spellings to practice.


This week, we finished our Thematic unit of ‘Feel the Force, See the Light’. We started the week by learning about how shadows are formed and going on a shadow hunt. We found it tricky to find shadows outside but found lots inside due to artificial light sources. Following this, we made shadow puppets and performed our own shadow puppet show. The children were very imaginative and had great performance skills.

Next week, we will be completing our RE learning on Hinduism and the festival of Diwali.

Love to Learn

Please choose one of the following tasks to complete:

1. Practice your times tables using this fun game. This will support our Maths learning next week.

2. Make a mind map or list of rhyming Christmas words for your Christmas poem next week e.g. snow, glow, blow, ho ho ho, doe, hello. A video to help you with this is:

3. Make a Christmas inspired Miro artwork. See below for inspiration

Christmas Fair

On Wednesday 13th December we will be having our Christmas Fair from 3.20-5. As part of this, we need some voluntary donations from our community. On Tuesday 12th December, please can you ask you to send in the following donations with your child:

-KS1 – Bring a bottle for the tombola

-KS2 – Bring a gift for the raffle. We ask the children bring a gift that matches their house colour e.g. if they are a red roman, they donate a red gift and so on. We will also be running a ‘Take home a Teddy’ stall.

-If you have any good quality, unwanted cuddly toys please also send them into school on Tuesday 12th December to be used on this stall.

-Lastly, we will also be running our traditional ‘White Bag’ stall. All children will bring home a white bag on Friday 8th December. We ask that your child decorates the bag, and you pop a small gift inside (sweets, notepad, pens, small toy etc). Can this also be returned to school on Tuesday 12th December.

Christmas Parties

Our Christmas Party will take place during the afternoon on Thursday 14th December. Children can wear their own clothes to school on this day. For our parties, we are asking children to bring in the following:

Red Romans - Savoury Snacks

Yellow Saxons - Sweets or Biscuits

Green Normans - Fruit

Blue Vikings - Drinks

Important Dates

Monday 11th December – Year 1 Christmas Performance (doors open at 9:00 for a 9:15 start)

Tuesday 12th December – Year 5 and 6 Christmas Performance at St Laurence Church from 10:00

Tuesday 12th December – Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Christmas Parties – children can wear their own clothes to school

Tuesday 12th December – Year 3 and 4 Christmas Performance at St Laurence Church from 2:00

Wednesday 13th December – Year 2 Christmas Performance (doors open at 9:00 for a 9:15 start)

Wednesday 13th December – Christmas Fair on the field from 3:15-4:45

Thursday 14th December – Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 Christmas Parties (children can wear their own clothes to school with sensible footwear)

Friday 15th December – Christmas Jumper Day with usual uniform and Christmas Dinner. School ends at 2pm (no after school club).

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695