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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News 17.11.2023

We have had another amazing week in Year 3. Check out what we have been learning.


In English this week we continued to base our learning around our class text of ‘The Green Ship’ and wrote some fantastic character descriptions! The children have focussed on using expanded noun phrases to describe Mrs Tredegar’s appearance and personality. An expanded noun phrases is when two or more adjectives are used and separated by a comma to describe a noun, for example: beautiful, emerald eyes. We have also focussed on using verbs and adverbs to describe how the character moves and talks. We then moved on to write a contrasting character description of the horrible Mrs Twit, a character created by Roald Dahl and illustrated by the author of the Green Ship, Quentin Blake.

Next week, we will continue to use our class text to write an alternative ending to the book. Here is a link to the book in case you want to start thinking of some ideas:

A9BDEA8D457C2A637A6ABDC4A094E101.pdf (


This week in Maths we have been learning about the properties of shapes. We began the week by looking at 2-D shapes and how many sides and vertices they have, we even learnt the difference between an oblong and a rectangle! We then moved on to study the properties of 3-D shapes, including identifying their faces and edges. We have been so impressed with the children’s shape knowledge and mathematical vocabulary.

Next week we will be moving on to collect and show data in bar charts and pictograms.

Fact of the Week

Next week our fact of the week is:

5 X 3 = 15


This week in our punctuation and grammar lesson we have been learning about verbs and adverbs. We learnt that a verb is an action and an adverb is a word used to describe a verb.

In spelling we are continuing to focus on our Year 2 red words and have been introduced to what a prefix is. We also learnt how a prefix can change the meaning of a root word.

Spellings for this weeks test on Thursday 23rd November:

again, any, many, break, steak, father


This week we have focussed on our PSHE theme of Healthy Relationships. On Monday we learnt how to be kind to ourselves both mentally and physically, before creating a tool kit of things we can do when we are feeling run down. On Tuesday, we talked about worries and who we can talk to about them. We then created our own worry monsters to help us. In Wednesday’s lesson we talked about bullying and the difference between bullying and fall outs with friends. We then discussed how everyone is different and designed our own pair of odd socks to celebrate our differences.

Next week, we will be going back to our Thematic learning by completing Computing lessons. We will be learning the importance of having a strong password and how to login to a computer independently. We will then look at simple codes and how to make our own small games using Scratch programming.

Love to Learn

Please choose one of the following tasks to complete:

  1. Read the book assigned on MyOn called ‘Mindfulness’ and complete two of the exercises detailed in it.

  2. Play this game on TopMarks to consolidate learning on the properties of 3D shapes. Sorting 3D Shapes on a Venn Diagram - Mathsframe

  3. Write a character description of your favourite book character using expanded noun phrases (adjective, comma, adjective noun).

Dates to Remember

Monday 27th – Thursday 30th November – Book Fair in School

Wednesday 29th November – Year 3 and 5 Come Dine

Wednesday 13th December – Christmas Fair from 3:30

Thursday 14th December – KS2 Christmas Parties

Friday 15th December – Christmas Jumper Dinner and Christmas Dinner

School ends at 2:00.

Wednesday 3rd January – Term 3 Starts.


Please can children bring in wellies for use at lunch time on the field.

Sports Project is on a Thursday – please wear trainers and school uniform.

PE is a Friday this term with swimming – children are to come into school in their PE kit but bring their swimming kit with them.

Have a wonderful weekend!

The Year 3 Team


Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695