This is the important topic for the coming terms as girls and boys have begun their learning journey focussing on books that cover a range of topics on well-being, diversity and inclusivity – these include some of the texts Chilton received as part of the successful Ramsgate Books for Change project last year.
Head of School Kate Law explained there is an added dimension to this annual PSHE initiative that was could not be engaged with on a term-long scale last year due to the pandemic lockdown measures across the UK.
She said: “This project is particularly important this year as the children have been isolated from each other and so many people have been affected by that in so many ways.
“Building a community at Chilton is part of our school ethos and so the project helps us to move forward from an unsettling time.
“Pupils will investigate self-esteem and self-worth as well as identity and the importance of family/community. It will give them a chance to find out more about each other and themselves, and will reinforce the diversity of our school community.”
For their reading Year 3 have used the tale of Ruby’s Worry that encouraged them to think about any worries they may have. To explore the theme further, they made worry trees and monster worry boxes as part of their strategies to manage their worries.
Year 5 considered issues around race by reading Sulwe by Lupita Nyong'o and Year 6 learned about the origins of the Rainbow flag by reading Pride - the story of Harvey Milk by Rob Sanders.
This prompted discussions about equality and how people's lived experiences of equality has changed over the years and how there is still a great deal of inequality in the world.
The project will culminate in a variety of classroom events and colourful and imaginative display in the main hall as pupils celebrate what makes people individual and unique and what makes everyone around them differently unique and individual.
As part of the celebration, every child will make a flower representing themselves with an affirmation attached proudly stating why “it's good to be me.”
*Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education focuses on strengthening the knowledge, skills, and connections to keep children healthy and safe and prepare them for life and work