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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Team Cyan and Team Turquoise Weekly News w/b 8th November

Read Write Inc/ English

Another fantastic week of English learning for Year 2! :)

This week in English we have been focussing on adjectives. We started the week by focussing on adjectives describing characters and moved on to describing the settings in the story. We have also been learning about when is the right time to use a comma for example sparkly, bright stars and not to use it when saying phrases like bright yellow stars.


In Maths this week we have been looking at multiplication. We learnt that X means lots of, groups of, multiplied by and times. We started by using arrays to help us solve multiplication calculations for example 

5 X 2 = 10

0 0 

0 0 

0 0 

0 0 

0 0 

We then used this learning to help us solve problems.


This week in Topic, we started our brand new topic called..... 'THE GREATEST SHOW!' we started off the week with our very own version of the Greatest Show by having a talent contest. What a giggle we all had!

 We then looked at an artist called Patty Vicknair who create clown artwork. We then had a go ourselves but on ourselves! Take a look at us :) 

Later into the week we then began our History learning of the Topic. We learnt about how Circus' came about and all about PT Barnum who created an attraction called 'The Freak Show'. We spoke about how there are some things in the past that happened which we might not agree with now but we looked at all of the wonderful people who were in this show such as JoJo the Bearded Dog Boy, Tom Thumb, the 4 Legged Lady, the Bearded Lady and Jumbo the Elephant! They were all fascinating people :)

Love to Learn

Remembrance Day

On Thursday, we created our very own poppies ready for the 2 minute silence. We had such a lovely, grown up conversation discussing why we wear the poppies. We watched this video which just explains everything beautifully.  

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Please remember to tie back any long hair. 

A reminder that children should have water only and not juice.

A few dates to be aware of...

Monday 15th November - odd socks day for anti-bullying week

Friday 19th November - pyjama day for Children in Need

Friday 19th November - parent book look prior to Parent Teacher Consultations 3:15-3:45

Miss Howell and Miss Davey 

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Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695