Team Cyan and Team Turquoise Weekly New w/b 11th October
Year 2 have had another super week and have been working so hard!
In maths this week we have been learning to tell the time to o’clock, half past and some to quarter past and quarter to. We have worked so hard and are becoming so much more confident at telling the time. We know the long hand is the minute hand and the short hand is the hour hand. We finished the week practising our time facts. Year 2 have been fantastic with time and we are so impressed with them.
In SPaG this week we have been learning about the 4 different sentence types.
A command is a sentence that tells you to do something. E.g. Fetch me some biscuits.
Questions are sentences that ask you something and they end with a question mark (?). E.g. What time is it?
Statements are sentences that tell you something. E.g. It is sunny outside.
An exclamation begins with 'what' or 'how', has a verb in the sentence and ends in an exclamation mark (!). E.g. How sharp your teeth are!
In topic this week we began the week with a very exciting visit from some characters from Charles Dickens books. The characters shared their Victorian tales and gave the children an idea of what it was like to live in Victorian times. They also discussed how Broadstairs inspired some of Charles Dickens books.
We learnt all about the artists Pablo Picasso and Joseph Turner. We then created our own art work inspired by their famous pieces. We ended the week with a dress up day and tested some Victorian food, the children all looked amazing and had a great day!
Love to Learn
Accelerated Reader
Thank you so much for your support with the new scheme Accelerated Reader! It is so lovely to hear the children are enjoying the quizzes. We have mentioned to the children to try and aim to complete one quiz a week. We will also always ask for a quiz to be completed as Task 1 of the children's Love to Learn task.
You can access our AR site here or through our school website Home Page. Your child's username is the first three letters of their first name followed by their surname. The password is chilton (lowercase) for example: Username for Joseph Smith would be JosSmith and the password is chilton in all lowercase.
It is photo day on Tuesday so can children please come in to school in their school uniform and bring their PE kit with them and they will get changed before PE.
Please remember to tie back any long hair.
A reminder that children should have water only and not juice.
A few dates to be aware of...
Friday 22nd Oct - non uniform day for Chilton Fundraisers
Thursday 11th November - children can wear service uniforms for armistice day
Monday 15th November - odd socks day for anti-bullying week
Friday 19th November - pyjama day for Children in Need
Friday 19th November - parent book look prior to Parent Teacher Consultations 3:15-3:45
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Howell and Miss Davey