Weekly News!
Term 6 Week 3
This week we have been looking at fractions! We have been finding fractions of numbers and using fractions with different numerators. We are really confident with this and even worked out some reasoning problems!
Miss Keam’s RWI Group
This week we have been looking at the book ‘Looking after a hamster!’ today we went into the forest school and designed our own hamster cages and huts. On Monday we will be describing these in our writing. We made sure there was opportunities to keep our hamsters healthy, fit and safe.
This week we started our new topic ‘We are what we eat!’ We have described different fruit in our writing. We came up with some fantastic adjectives. We also looked at some BIG QUESTIONS! ‘Where do shops get their food?’ ‘Is food just for eating?’ and ‘Do all countries eat the same food?’ We came up with some fabulous answers and discussed these as a class. Today we introduced the children to the artist ‘Achimboldo,’ we had a lovely afternoon designing self-portraits inspired by him!
Home Learning
Email us a picture of a self-portrait made from your favourite foods!
- Please remember to tie hair back.
- Healthy Relationships Week - Your Words Can Hurt
- Team Sky Pizza Express trip – 27.6.19
- Team Ocean Pizza Express trip – 28.6.19
- The sun has been shining, please be prepared for hotter weather. I.e. hats, sun cream.
- Children are always encouraged throughout the day to have a drink of water. There is also plenty of opportunities at break and lunch times to have a drink.