W/B 7th June 2021 Weekly Blog
What a wonderful week Year 5 have had! Thank you for all the amazing effort that went in to creating costumes for Victorian Day.
In English this week, we have started our Term 6 text, 'Street Child' by Berlie Doherty. We started the week by making predictions before reading the first four chapters of the story. We created a character decription of the malicious 'stick man', Mr Spink before planning and writing a setting description of the dreadful workshouse where Jim has found himself. Next week, we will be combing action and dialogue to write Jim's escape from the workhouse!
'Street Child' also inpsired Thursday's Victorian Day. We had some wonderful costumes including Sherlock Holmes, Victorian maids and chimney sweeps. During the day, the children were taught by the terrifying Victorian teachers, Sir Abel, Sir Clifford and Madam Rowland-Hill. We looked at the differences between modern and Victorian schooling and creating Victorian timelines. We then played a range of Victorian playground games like pick up sticks, hopscotch and hoop and stick. In the afternoon (after Mr Coney taught us how to play the national anthem in guitars) we tried some Victorian food. The Victoria Sponge cake and gypsy tarts were much more popular with the children than the gruel!
In Maths, the children have been working on solve problems using information given in tables, progressing later in the week to timetables. We focused on using the information given and what we already know to help fill in tables and answer questions and discussed the importance of reading questions carefully, highlighting key information to help when reading the tables and checking our answers. Next week, we will be look at using the correct tables/graphs for certain data and using co-ordinates.
In the afternoons, we have been learning about Christian stories. Firstly, we recapped some famous Christian stories, including Noah's Ark and Joseph's Coat, before discussing the point of Bible stories and their lessons. We then moved on to looking at some more unfamiliar Bible stories including Daniel and Ruth and Naomi.
For home learning this week, please could the children collect some data and present it in a table/graph/chart that they think best fits the data collected. The data could be anything (such as temperature over a day, heights of family members, how many Smarties are in different packets - it really is up to you!)
Have a wonderful weekend (and remember your factor 50!)
The Year 5 team x
Below is a selection of images from Victorian Day.