Team Cyan and Team Turquoise Weekly News W/b 18th October
In Maths this week we have been looking at 2D shape! We started the week by looking at lines of symmetry. We focused on vertical and horizontal lines of symmetry and investigated many shapes and letters!
Later in the week, we moved onto learning about properties of 2D shapes. We learnt about corners, and straight and curved sides. Test us out because we know our 2D shape properties very well!
We looked at these shapes…
In SPaG this week we have been looking at compound words! We have learnt that a compound word is 2 words which have been brought together to create a new meaning for example
Light + house = lighthouse
Rain + bow = rainbow
In Religious Education this week, we have been focusing on Leaders and Teachers. At the beginning of the week we looked at what these terms meant and what are the positives and negatives of being a Leader or a Teacher.
We then moved this learning on to finding out about Leaders and Teachers in Religion. We learnt that a priest is a leader of Christianity, a Rabi is a leader of Jews and a Guru is a teacher of Sikhism. We learnt all about the story of Guru Gobind Singh and how he rode a horse whilst carrying a falcon, how he promoted turbans once a Sikh had been baptised and how this is how the Sikhs special book came about.
Love to Learn
After half term, we will be starting our brand new Topic ‘The Greatest Show’. To start this Topic off with a bang, for home learning we would love for you to create your very own circus prop! This could be juggling balls, rings of fire etc!
Team Cyan ONLY
As a school, we have been picked by Sport England to complete a questionnaire. Team Cyan ONLY will be completing a questionnaire with us at school but Sport England have also asked for you to complete a questionnaire at home. The link for this is
A letter has gone home with your child today regarding the questionnaire today :)
Please remember to tie back any long hair.
A reminder that children should have water only and not juice.
A few dates to be aware of...
Thursday 11th November - children can wear service uniforms for armistice day
Monday 15th November - odd socks day for anti-bullying week
Friday 19th November - pyjama day for Children in Need
Friday 19th November - parent book look prior to Parent Teacher Consultations 3:15-3:45
Have a lovely half term and we will see you on Tuesday 2nd November
Miss Howell and Miss Davey
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