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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Latest News

Page 7

  • 02/10/20

    New House Captains with an important new Project!

    Meet the New Team!
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  • 30/09/20

    Reception Places for 2021

    Is your child due to start school in Reception in 2021? We are making arrangements for school viewings - please call us on 01843 597695!
    Read Full Story
  • 28/09/20

    Our New Reception Make a Wonderful Start!

    It is the gentle touch that matters so much as our newest children are gradually eased into life at Chilton Primary.
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  • 25/09/20

    Letter for parents about COVID-19 symptoms from Department of Education

    Please read attached document at bottom of page.
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  • 24/09/20

    NHS COVID-19 app Fact sheet for parents and carers

    Please find document attached below.
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  • 23/09/20

    Latest Letter From Mrs Lewis and Parent & Carers Code of Conduct Policy

    Click here to find documents attached.
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  • 18/09/20

    Letter from Mrs Lewis for Year 6 Parents & Carers

    Click the attached letter below to read.
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  • 11/09/20

    Newsletter 11th September

    Attached and also available through this link:
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  • 28/08/20

    Newsletter 28th August & Welcome to Reception letter

    Please find attached
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  • 27/08/20


    Please watch this short video and read the attached document below published by the Government about going back to school with lots of useful information you may want to know.
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  • 26/08/20

    Latest letter from Mrs Lewis, Executive Headteacher.

    Click here to find letter attached.
    Read Full Story

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695