23.4.21 Weekly News
This week in English we have started a new book called ‘The Wizards of Once’, we have started to meet the main characters in the book called Xar who is a wizard and Wish who is a warrior. Wizards and warriors don’t get on and are enemies! Throughout the week we have concentrated on character description, firstly planning and describing Xar using descriptive language such as, expanded noun phrases, verbs and adverbs. Later on in the week, we moved on to using figurative language such as, similes, metaphors and hyperboles to describe wish.
In maths this week children have been learning about different numeration systems. At the beginning of the week, we learnt about the Egyptian numeration system and did our own research on it. We then moved onto Roman numerals, at first the children found this challenging but after a lot of hard work and concentration we mastered it by completing our own decoded hidden message.
During our PSHE topic this week, we have been concentrating on ‘good to be me’. We began by looking at a book called ‘Sofia the dreamer and her magical afro’, this made the children think about ethnicity, family, gender, faith, culture, hobbies, traditions and their likes and dislikes. In the book Sofia met a woman called Angela Davies, we also looked at how important her fight against equality was. On Wednesday, we looked at the different stereotype’s genders can have, we had the conversation that no gender should be given stereotypes just for the fact that they have been born to this gender that they were born and we finished the week by understanding our own families and who supports the children the most.
Can we please encourage reading at home and bringing reading records in as much as possible.
Thank you and have a lovely weekend.
The Year 4 Team.
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