Year 4 Weekly News
This week in English we finished the book Fly Eagle Fly. The story contains a wide range of different dialogue between characters throughout so this week we been looking at and writing our own conversations that the children would think might happen between the characters. For example, the dialogue between the farmer and his friend as they were walking to the top of the mountain to release the eagle and also when the eagle had been set free into the wild. What the two men would have said to each other. This all included inverted comma’s and the punctuation needed when writing direct speech.
In maths this week we have been learning how to solve scaling problems. At the start of the week we started by scaling up and then as the week went on we introduced scaling down as well. The children understand that when scaling down they need to be dividing but when scaling up they need to be multiplying. They found it difficult to begin with but throughout the week their effort and involvement was exceptional. We also moved onto estimating and then working out the actual answer. For example, 28 X 4 = would be estimated by 30 X 4 =. Then children would work out the answer afterwards.
During our topic this week we have concentrated on the History of inventions. On Monday we looked at Leonardo Da Vinci’s invention sketches and had a go at sketching our own. Later in the week, we moved on to looking at inventions we use today such as the car and the telephone. We researched about these inventions and then made our own timelines to showcase our research. The children really enjoyed looking back at the first phone and the first car and how they have developed over time.
The Year 4 team.
Term 2. Week 3. Egyptian dress up day.
We would like to wish you all a lovely half term.