Monday 15th June
Good morning Y4! We hope you had a fantastic weekend enjoying the sunshine and are ready for a great week of learning. Mrs Gale and Mr Abel are back teaching in school now and so Mr Lamprell will be uploading work and updating your blog page. Mrs Gale and Mr Abel would still very much love to hear from you and read your brilliant learning, so please continue to email them and upload your work on The Padlet. In addition, if you have an urgent question regarding the learning, please email Mr Lamprell. Many thanks!
English/Guided Reading - This week your English theme is linked to 'Castles' (please see the PowerPoint to access the text via Oxford Owl). Today's knowledge harvest will involve you to write everything you know about castles and to predict what you think will happen in the text. Also, you will start to read some of the text and begin to plan a design of what your castle will look like. Use the slides and template attached to guide and support your learning.
Maths - This week your Maths focus will involve fun and enjoyable 'Fractions'! Look at the slides attached and complete the introductory questions and use the links to access the interactive activities.
Topic - Your focus this week is: 'The Nature of Life'. Today you will be researching information about the 'life cycles' of different living things; subsequently, choose one life cycle to describe (looking at the different stages). Again, look at the slides attached to facilitate your learning.
The Padlet - Shout outs!
Thank you for all of the pictures and videos that you have sent to me this week. The weather has been lovely for you to complete your challenges!
This week, can you complete your challenge in fancy dress? The crazier the better!
The Challenge is:
Can you balance a toilet roll on your head, lie on your back and get up again without dropping it?
Walk, Cycle or Run 1K or 5K (Choose one or two)
Good luck and I look forward to seeing more pictures and videos in fancy dress J! Please continue to send them to
Miss Knight
Thanet Inclusion Services offer activities that help to support young peoples mental health and well-being. Please see the activities attached and, if this helps, complete with your child at home.
Click the link to access the 'Week 3 - Castles - MONDAY 1' work and activities.