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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 4






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  • 20/11/20

    Year 4 Weekly News 20.11.20

    English In English this week, we have continued to learn about suspense writing. The children have learnt to use rhetorical questions and the punctuation mark ellipsis (...) to create suspense, and also how to use character's reactions to fear to add to this e.g. his heart pounded in his ches...
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  • 13/11/20

    Weekly News. 13.11.20

    Maths In maths this week we have been learning about how to find equivalent fractions by using the multiplication method, simplifying fractions with division and to finish the week we added and subtracted fractions with the same denominator. These are all new skills that the children have not see...
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  • 09/11/20

    Home learning - 9.11.20

    Hi Team Sapphire, This is going to feel different for all of us! It's important that you don't miss out on your learning and are able to access the lessons that Mrs Cousins will be delivering and the tasks set - this will all be on the Teams portal. The Teams portal is accessed via you...
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  • 05/11/20

    Year 4 Weekly News 6.11.20

    Year 4 have returned for Term 2 with a fantastic learning attitude! Well done! Here is what we have been up to this week... Maths In maths this week we have been learning about equivalent fractions and how to compare and order fractions. Equivalent fractions are fractions that are equal; they...
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  • 23/10/20

    Year 4 Weekly News

    English This week in English we finished the book Fly Eagle Fly. The story contains a wide range of different dialogue between characters throughout so this week we been looking at and writing our own conversations that the children would think might happen between the characters. For example, t...
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  • 09/10/20

    Year 4 Weekly News 9.10.20

    English This week in English we have begun reading our new text; an African Tale called Fly Eagle Fly. This story contains many beautiful setting descriptions so this week we have written some ourselves. We began by using the descriptive language that we had learnt earlier in the term (similes an...
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  • 02/10/20

    Weekly news 2/10/20

    What a fantastic week for Year 4! The children have worked so incredibly hard and have produced some superb learning outcomes. English: This week the children excelled in writing formally about Trinidad & Tobago. We used an additional text (Kamal goes to Trinidad) to really explore the won...
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  • 25/09/20

    Weekly News 25.9.20

    It's been a busy week in Year 4! The children have been showing some incredible learning behaviour and have been producing some amazing work. Here is what we have been up to this week: English This week we finished our book Gregory Cool. The children have continued to learn how to show...
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  • 18/09/20

    Weekly News - 18/9/20

    It has been another fantastic week for Year 4 with lots of fun learning completed!
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  • 11/09/20

    Year 4 Weekly News 11.9.20

    Year 4 have had another incredible week where we have seen very motivated and engaged learners, well done! This is what we have been learning about this week: English In reading this week we have begun our new text called Gregory Cool by Caroline Binch. The children have been predicting and...
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  • 05/09/20

    Friday 4th September Weekly News

    What an incredible start Team Sapphire and Team Cornflower made to year 4! Mr Cook, Mr Lamprell and myself (Mrs Cousins) were extremely impressed with how the children returned to school this week! After having so much time away from school, they returned with such fantastic attitudes and were ready...
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  • 16/07/20

    Friday 17th July

    Good morning Y4! You've made it...your final day of learning activities on the Y4 blog! Well done to all those who have completed the tasks set during this unprecedented period - we are all extremely proud! We look forward to seeing you at the picnic next week :-) English You have now writ...
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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695