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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 4






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  • 26/11/21

    Weekly News 26.11.21

    English This week we have continued to retell the story of Ice place. We finished with our problem where Ivan deals with all of Starjik’s evil tricks and then finally meets him. We also wrote our resolution and ending where Starjik was turned good due to Ivan throwing magical pips at him. W...
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  • 19/11/21

    Weekly News 19.11.21

    English This week we have been retelling the story of the Ice Palace in preparation for creating our own narrative pieces next week. We began planning our writing and looking back at all the elements and parts of the book. Throughout our writing we have concentrated on sentence openers, conjuncti...
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  • 12/11/21

    Weekly News - 12.11.21

    This week we have been continuing focusing on our wellbeing, and we have reintroduced peer massage into our school day. We have been using breathing techniques and kind hands to calm ourselves in the afternoons. We have been doing some incredible learning this week. Let's find out what! Engli...
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  • 05/11/21

    Weekly News 5.11.21

    What a brilliant week we have had welcoming the children back for Term 2. Maths   This week in maths we have concentrated on fractions and specifically equivalent fractions. At the beginning of the week, we found equivalent fractions by shading a variety of different shapes. Moving to...
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  • 22/10/21

    Weekly News 22.10.21

      What an incredible week and term we have had. All children should be incredibly proud of how they have behaved and worked in this first term. Well done! Maths This week in maths we have tackled the difficult subject of time. The way the children have shown great resilience to battle...
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  • 14/10/21

    Weekly News - 15.10.21

    What an incredible week we have had - and what a messy one! Let's find out what we have been learning. Maths This week we have been learning how to divide and we have moved on to our formal method of using the bus stop! We began with counters and learnt how to share larger numbers by...
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  • 08/10/21

    Weekly News 8.10.21

    Maths   This week we have been learning about multiplication and division. We began the week by understanding the factors of a number and how many factors a number can have! Towards the end of the week, we began to look at division. We made links between arrays, short division and sharing...
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  • 30/09/21

    Weekly Blog - 1.10.21

    We are at the end of another amazing week of learning! Let's find out what we have been learning! Maths This week we have been learning different ways of multiplying. We began by learning to multiply by 10 and 100. We then learnt to multiply 2 and 3 digit numbers. We moved from using place...
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  • 24/09/21

    Year 4 Weekly News 24.9.21

    English During English this week, we have been learning how to write a persuasive brochure about why someone should go to Tobago. We started off by reading a variety of different persuasive texts about Tobago and finished by creating our own. The children found persuading a bit of a struggle at t...
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  • 16/09/21

    Weekly News - 16.9.21

    Year 4 have had an incredible start to their school year and we are proud of their learning behaviour and the high quality work they are producing!  English This week we have been working on building our vocabulary so that we can write emotive descriptions. We have practised using fronted...
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  • 10/09/21

    Weekly News 10.9.21

    The Year 4 team have been extremely impressed with how the children have settled in straight away. The Chilton Way and the Chilton values have been followed beautifully. Maths This week we have been concentrating on consolidating our place value knowledge. On Monday, we were looking at partiti...
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  • 03/09/21

    Weekly News - 3/9/21

    What a wonderful start we have had to the school year! It was wonderful to welcome Year 4's smiling, happy faces on Thursday. Even those that came in a little nervous were full of smiles by breaktime! We hope you have all had a wonderful summer and are ready for this new year of amazing learning...
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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695