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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 3

Page 4

  • 08/07/21

    Year 3 Weekly News - 9.7.21

    Year 3 are simply amazing! We are so impressed with their resilience and hard work as we near the end of the academic year. It has been lovely to see the children excited about the next school year and our visits to the new classrooms were great on Thursday! What else have we been up to? English...
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  • 02/07/21

    Weekly News - 2/7/21

    We are nearing the end of term and although we are getting tired and excited for the holiday, we are still working so hard! What have we been up to? English This week we have been working on narrative. We planned a 5-part story and have been using incredible sentences to write it up. We are so...
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  • 25/06/21

    Weekly Blog Post - 25.6.21

    English In English this week, the children have created their own lands just like the ones we have read about in The Magic Faraway Tree. We have had lands of chocolate, lands of music, lands of spaceships and even a land called 'Cuddle Mufuddle' where instead of living in a...
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  • 21/06/21

    Weekly News - 18/6/21

    This week we have been working so hard! Let's find out what we have been up to!   English This week we have been writing descriptions of different magical lands. We wrote incredible setting descriptions of the land of dreams. We have been using our skills of creating expanded noun ph...
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  • 11/06/21

    Weekly News 11.6.21

    English Year 3 have come back to their final term with a bang! We have started reading The Magic Faraway Tree and using our descriptive skills to write character descriptions for some of the magical friends we have met. We have used expanded noun phrases, verbs and adverbs to create wonderful des...
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  • 21/05/21

    Weekly Blog Post - 21.5.21

    English   This week in English, we have been using our knowledge of dialogue and narrative to rewrite scenes from Charlotte's Web. We have been practising using narrative to show the actions of a character and dialogue to show what the character is saying. We have also been inferring cha...
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  • 13/05/21

    Weekly News - 14.5.21

    We can't quite believe how quickly Term 5 is going! Read on to find out what we have been learning this week. English This week we had a wonderful time writing all about the fair! We used some incredible language to describe the sounds, sights and smells! Writing about the scrumptious candy...
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  • 07/05/21

    Weekly Blog Post - 7.5.21

    It's been a short week but a brilliant one! We have got lots of learning done and had a wonderful Number Day. Thank you for all of your kind donations and brilliant outfits! Great work Year 3!
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  • 29/04/21

    Weekly News - 30th April

    The children in Year 3 are very much back in the swing of things and are producing incredible learning in all of their subjects! We are so proud of them! What have they been up to? English We are totally in love with our class book, Charlotte's Web, and are really enjoying reading it toget...
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  • 23/04/21

    Weekly Blog Post 23/4/21

    English We have started our new book for the term, Charlotte's Web. We have read the first 3 chapters and written diary entries to show different character's points of view on the events that have transpired. We have used fronted adverbials to give our sentences more meaning and convey mo...
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  • 01/04/21

    Year 3 Weekly News - 1.4.21

    What a term it has been for Year 3 - We cannot state enough how proud we are of the way the children transitioned back into classroom learning. We have been so impressed with their resilience and hard work, but what we have noticed recently is wonderful acts of kindness towards one another. They hav...
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  • 26/03/21

    Weekly Blog Post: 26/3/21

    English This week for English we have been trying to write from different viewpoints. Using this terms reading book, Lila and the Secret of the Rain, we looked at various characters and tried to understand how they felt and then wrote a letter from their point of view. We used emotive langua...
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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695