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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Week beginning 30th March

Monday 30th March


Well done for finishing your first week of learning at home, and welcome to week 2.

We are structuring your days a little differently this week as we begin to wind down for Easter. Below is an outline of some activities for you to carry out, but feel free to organise your day as you wish. 


Attached is a reading pack designed to support your child's comprehension- The Zoo Vet. Your child may read this independently, if not you can support them or read it to them so they are then able to answer the questions underneath. The questions have stars at the bottom of the page from 1-3 with increasing difficulty so try to match accordingly. 


To practise handwriting, focussing on size of letters, ascenders and descenders, there is a sheet of 100 high frequency words (red words). 


Maths is everywhere...

Try to find opportunities to practise maths during the day, think of fun new ways to record it! This could be a shape hunt during your 30 minute daily exercise, or timing someone completing an activity or chore. Maybe your child could practise measuring by helping with the cooking or baking. The sky is the limit and every bit of practise will help reinforce your child's learning. 


As we lead up to Easter, we will be looking at different stories Jesus told and what we can learn from them. 

Today's story is 'The Lost Coin.' Below is a link to a video of the story.

After watching the video ask your child questions about what they have watched- do they understand the message? Your child can then act out the story or retell it to help them remember it. Your child could then write about a time they have lost something, how did they feel? Did they ever find their lost item? Was it something really important to them? 


As a little extra, we have seen some of you have created some beautiful rainbows for your windows. These are a beautiful way of communicating with the outside world. We have been enjoying looking out for them on our daily walks and they really brighten up our days. If you have not created one yet, this would be a fun arty activity for the whole family to enjoy! If you google 'rainbow pictures in windows,' there are some lovely examples you could recreate. 

Helping at home challenge

Now you have been at home for over a week, I can imagine your bedrooms are getting a little messy. Help your parents out by giving it a little tidy up... pick up toys from the floor, clear the sides of clutter, you could even give it a little dust! 

Enjoy your day, and remember to be safe! Please keep your emails coming, we are loving seeing all of your hard work (and gappy teeth!) 

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695