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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 1

Miss Wright talks Maths:


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  • 29/06/20

    Tuesday 30th June 2020

    Good morning team Periwinkle and team Teal! We hope you are still enjoying your time at home.  Shout outs Today’s shout out is to Rosie who has been sending in lots of her work and updating us on what she has been up to. It has been loving reading your emails, thank you...
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  • 26/06/20

    Monday 29th June

    Good morning Team Teal and Team Periwinkle. We hope that you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for a new week of learning! Shout Out! A HUGE shout out to Isabelle who has completed her home learning every day. It is great to see all of you learning which you send to us - what a superstar...
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  • 25/06/20

    Friday 26th June

    Happy FriYAY to Team Teal and Team Periwinkle. The end of another great week. We hope you've enjoyed your home learning this week and taken time to enjoy the sunshine. Good luck with todays work and have a wonderful weekend.
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  • 24/06/20

    Thursday 25th June 2020

    Good morning team Periwinkle and team Teal! We hope you are having fun and staying safe in the sun. Mrs Walker’s bubble enjoyed an activity listening to music and responding through drawing. We would love to see what you come up with if you have a go at home. We used the following music for ou...
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  • 23/06/20

    Ramsgate Books For Change

    Parents from Chilton Primary School and Ramsgate Arts Primary School have been inspired by Folkestone Books For Change fundraising campaign. They  want to empower every child in Ramsgate to know that they can make a difference in the world. This journey starts through reading excitin...
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  • 23/06/20

    Wednesday 24th June

    Good morning Team Teal and Team Periwinkle. It is Wednesday already – halfway through the week already! Here’s today’s learning: RWI The RWI videos will be available, but will take a slightly different form. All videos will be available from 9:30 am so you can choose from...
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  • 22/06/20

    Tuesday 23rd June

    Good morning Team Teal and Team Periwinkle! I hope you are all safe and well. The sun is shining this week, which is fabulous!  Let's get learning!
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  • 21/06/20

    Monday 22nd June 2020

    Good morning team Periwinkle and team Teal! We have completed our first week back with the return of some year 1s. It has been lovely to see some of you back, and those who haven’t returned, it has been lovely to speak to you on the phone. We still have a few more calls to make but if you have...
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  • 18/06/20

    Friday 19th June

    Good morning Team Teal and Team Periwinkle. It’s FriYay! Where has this week gone? SHOUT OUTS! Shout out to Isabelle who has completed her learning this week. It is great to see your photos. A fabulous video was sent to us from William showing some of his super maths. Some fabulous...
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  • 17/06/20

    Thursday 18th June

    Good morning Team Teal and Team Periwinkle. We are so proud of all of you who are keeping up with some of your home learning. We know it can be tricky to learn from home and we really do appreciate all your efforts. It's nearly the weekend, but keep up that great work. SHOUTOUTS We had lot...
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  • 16/06/20

    Wednesday 17th June 2020

    Good morning team Periwinkle and team Teal! It’s Wednesday which means we are half way through the week. The children who returned to school this week are settling well into their new bubbles and are enjoying their new style of learning. We’re super proud of all of you learning at school...
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  • 15/06/20

    A Parent's Guide to Black Lives Matter

    Attached at the bottom of this blog post is a document for parents to read and use regarding Black Lives Matter.
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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695