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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 1

Miss Wright talks Maths:


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  • 26/11/20

    Friday 27th November

    We hope you have all had a wonderful week! Here is what we have been learning about this week.
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  • 19/11/20

    Friday 20th November

    Another fabulous week for our Year 1 Superstars. They have worked so hard yet again this week and should be incredibly proud. We have been amazed by their writing in topic this week – well done Team Turquoise and Team Cyan! Maths In Maths this week, we have been continuing to learn about...
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  • 13/11/20

    Week ending 13th November

    Well done on making it to the end of another week! All of year 1 would also love to say a massive thank you for all your generous donations to Children in Need. We've had a lovely comfy day of learning in our PJs. Maths We have had a fun week of learning about money! We started off by l...
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  • 06/11/20

    Friday 7th November

    A huge welcome back! The children have had a fantastic first week back; they have settled well and shown a great attitude in their learning. Well done to Team Turquoise who have won class of the week and to Ruby Jefferies who has won pupil of the week. A great team effort from year 1!
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  • 23/10/20

    Friday 23rd October 2020

    We have made it to the end of Term 1! The children have all been such superstars this term. It has been a long term but their resilience has really shone through. We are so proud of each and every one of them. Maths In Maths this week, we have been continuing to subtract. We have used the part...
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  • 18/10/20

    Friday 16th October

    Happy weekend everyone!   Thank you all so much for the boxes we received over the past few weeks. They went to good use, just look at our topic learning below … We have had a learning filled week this week and are looking forward our half term break coming up. Here is what w...
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  • 09/10/20

    Friday 9th October

    Good afternoon everyone! We have had another fantastic week in year 1. We have been overwhelmed by the progress the children are making and could not be more proud of them.
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  • 01/10/20

    Friday 2nd October 2020

    What a fabulous week we have had in Year 1! The children are doing so well. This is a long term, but the children have been amazing and keep on surprising us with how hard they are working in lessons! Keep it up Year 1! Maths In Maths this week, we have been learning about odd and even numbers...
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  • 25/09/20

    Friday 25th September

    Well done to all the children on another fantastic week of learning! We are settling into school life more and more every day. Children are sitting listening and maintaining focus for longer during our 'Teams' assemblies, using the resources in the room more independently and ar...
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  • 16/09/20

    Friday 18th September

    What a wonderful week we have had! 
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  • 11/09/20

    Friday 11th September 2020

    What a wonderful week we have had in Year 1! The children have done so well to complete their first full week back at school. We are so proud of them. We are all feeling a bit tired at the moment, so we hope the weekend is a restful one! Maths In maths this week, we have been focussing on coun...
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  • 04/09/20

    Week ending 4th September 2020

    Welcome In Team Cyan the teacher is Mrs Walker and in Team Turquoise is Miss Wright and Mrs Cheshire. We want to say a massive hello and welcome to year 1! We can not wait for this year... fingers crossed we get a whole one this year! Wow! What an amazing two days we have had back at...
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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695