Weekly News 28.2.20
We have had a lovely first week back after half term. The children have come in refreshed and ready for a new term! We started the week with our fantastic Personal Challenge day, where the children took part in bridge climbing! The children continued to challenge themselves throughout the week, with one child asking every morning for a new personal challenge.
In topic, we have been learning about British Values, the children have discusses individual liberty and we wrote rules for our own lives. Lots of children discussed how they show kindness and look after others.
In maths we have been measuring the height of different objects using cubes, and later in the week we made our own repeating patterns.
Next week we are staring our 'Space' topic. We would love any spare recycling you have at home to make our rockets, please bring anything you have on Monday.
Please remember next week is book week and the children will need to dress up aas their favourite book character on Thursday 5th March. We look forward to seeing their costumes!
Thank you so much for your patience this afternoon when picking up your child! We changed into our P.E bottoms for the first time today and we had all hands on deck getting the children back into their uniforms to get home on time!
Have a restful weekend,
The Foundation Stage Team.