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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance


Page 13

  • 18/07/19

    Weekly News - 18.7.19

    We have come to the end of the last full week in Reception! How this year has flown! The children have done marvellously well this year and we are proud of each and every one of them.  Well done Team Teal and Team Periwinkle for a fabulous year. This week in maths, we have been subtracting n...
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  • 05/07/19

    Weekly News - 5.7.19

    Another busy week for Team Periwinkle and Team Teal! The children all had a great time in their new classrooms meeting their new teacher(s) on Thursday.  They were all very excited to tell us about their day!  It was a pleasure to see so many of you at the Open Evening on Thursday evening...
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  • 19/06/19

    Weekly News - 21.6.19

    What a fun week we have had in topic! We have been writing facts about different minibeasts to create a non-fiction book and we have also been using potato printing to make caterpillars.  The children have had lots of fun threading to make a spiders web and we have collected and used leaves in...
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  • 06/06/19

    Weekly News 7.6.19

    Welcome back to Term 6!  How quickly this year has gone. Firstly, a big thank you and well done for the fabulous love to learn which has already been sent in this week.  The children have been enjoying talking about what they have did for their learning at home in front of the class (we...
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  • 15/05/19

    Weekly News 17.5.19

    Wow! What an amazing time we had with Zoolab this week.  We were so impressed with the children and how some of them showed such courage to stroke or hold the animals when we know beforehand some were feeling a little nervous!  We met some amazing animals: Shrek - this was a Giant Afric...
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  • 02/05/19

    Weekly News - 3.5.19

    What another fun and busy week we have had in Reception! In maths, the children have been learning how to write addition and subtraction calculations, ensuring that they use the + - and= signs correctly.  In topic, we have started our new topic: Growth.  We have read the story of Jac...
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  • 04/04/19

    Weekly News - 5.4.19

    This week, the children have been learning about Easter and how it is celebrated in different countries.  The children learned that in some countries they have egg rolling competitions.  The children in Team Teal and Team Periwinkle then had their own egg rolling competition!  In some...
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  • 21/03/19

    Weekly News - 22.3.19

    What a fabulous start to our Space topic we had on Monday!  We had a huge planetarium in the school hall which the children in Reception absolutely loved!  We must also say that the space models you have sent in have been outstanding - thank you for the time and effort you have spent makin...
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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695