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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News 22.09.232


- Keep reading for at least 10 minutes every day - you're doing a great job! See below for the Year 6 home learning task.


In English this week, we completed our Way Home text and have begun a new one: Floodland.  This is an exciting book that tells the story of Zoe, who needs to leave Norwich because the sea is rising.  The children discussed possible reasons for the water to have risen, which led to a discussion on Climate Change.  We explored the characters in the story and used hot-seating to find out more about them: from this, we talked about whether Zoe was right to abandon her friend Natasha and wrote emotive letters to each other as the characters.




The children explored negative numbers and what happens when we add and subtract them.  We painted positive number lines before folding them over to see the negative side.  In this way, we could understand the value of each number.  How are negative numbers used in context?  We discussed negative numbers in terms of money and used thermometers to find the temperature of blocks of ice.




We had so much fun learning about Charles Darwin and his exploration of the world on the Beagle from 1831.  We used an atlas to study the journey and mapped it out ourselves based on given clues.  Afterwards, we learned about how fossils are made (over a long period of time!) and made our own using plaster of Paris (a much shorter period of time!).  We pressed leaves, pine cones and toy dinosaurs into a mould before pouring on liquid plaster of Paris.  Once it had dried, we removed the mould and were left with a rock hard fossil! 


For Love to Learn this week, we would like you to click onto MyOn (Your password and log ins are the same as AR) and read the assigned text about Charles Darwin! Click here to access MyOn


Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695