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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly Learning 23.09.22

This week, the children have enjoyed getting their teeth into our new text, 'Floodland', and have explored the characters through drama to express their emotions and write in role.  Next week, after continuing with the story, we will be introduced to new characters where the children will have an opportunity to use role-play to understand them further.  In Maths this week, the children learned strategies to support them with addition and used them to apply their understanding to solve problems.  Next week, the children will develop their skills for subtraction.  We will look at the column method and explore how exchanging works.  The children will be challenged through word problems as well as identifying the vocabulary used in these types of questions.

In our topic of 'Raiders and Traders', the children learned how the Anglo-Saxons settled in Britain after the Romans, bringing farming, jewellery-making and crafting with them.  The children enjoyed weaving the Anglo-Saxon way!  They also learned about Alfred the Great, who helped translate books from Latin so ordinary people could learn to read.

After hearing a story about the king burning a peasant's buns, we baked 'King Alfred's Rock Cakes', a recipe for which is attached below.  This was terrific fun... if a bit messy!






Next week is all about invasion!!  The children will learn about Sutton Hoo and how its discovery impacted our knowledge of the Vikings.  Who were they and what were they like?  The children will explore maps and follow the transition from Raiders to Traders. They will be a historian for the day by explaining to others about what life was like in 1000AD.

 Love to Learn

For your topic learning this week, we would like you to research the Vikings and how they impacted Britain.  You can present this any way you wish: a poem, artwork, a powerpoint presentation, a poster, a story, a non-chronological report, bullet point information or any other way!


- Any donations of (very) large cardboard boxes for our topic learning would be much appreciated 

- A new Lost Property box can be found outside the Year 6 classrooms

- Donations of dried and packets of food (pasta in smaller packets, bottles of squash and any tinned items) for the food bank collection for Harvest Festival will be kindly welcomed from 7th October - 13th October.  Harvest assembly for Years 5 and 6 will be at 9am on 21st October.

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695