Weekly News 17.05.24
Important Dates
May 20th - 23rd - Viking Games (Year 5 and 6 on the Monday)
May 24th - Dress to Express
June 12th - Year 6 pasta cooking lesson
July 3rd or 4th or 5th (these dates are confirmed by the children’s secondary school
July 10th - Sports Day (KS1 and KS2)
July 15th, 16th & 17th July - Chilton Transition Days
July 18th - Inflatable fun day & Year 6 party
July 19th - End of term - Y6 Graduation
This week, the children have been working incredibly hard for the national tests, SATs. Children worked on Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar, Maths and Reading. The Chilton team are very proud of all of their efforts. By the end of the week, we got our classrooms back to normal and celebrated the end of testing with games and films.