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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News! 01.12.23

Chilton's Christmas Events:

Wednesday 6th December 

  • Year 2 and 4 Come Dine

Friday 8th December 

  • Reception Christmas Performance - doors open 9:00 for a 9:15 start

Monday 11th December 

  • Year 1 Christmas Performance - doors open 9:00 for a 9:15 start

Tuesday 12th December 

  • Year 5&6 Christmas Performance at St Laurence Church from 10:00

  • Reception, Year 1 and 2 Christmas Parties - children can wear their own clothes to school (sensible footwear please)

  • Year 3&4 Christmas Performance at St Laurence Church from 2:00

Wednesday 13th December 

  • Year 2 Christmas Performance - doors open 9:00 for a 9:15 start

  • Christmas Fair (on the field) 3:15-4:45

Thursday 14th December 

  • Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 Christmas Parties - children can wear their own clothes to school (sensible footwear please)

Friday 15th December 

  • Christmas Jumper Day (just for fun - wear a festive jumper, top or t-shirt with usual uniform) and Christmas Dinner. School ends at 2pm (no after school club).


In English this week, we discussed the themes of the book, Skellig.  From this, we chose one of these themes (birds) and planned to write poems based on it.  We were able to pick the bird - which would then alter the language we used - and wrote using figurative language to create imagery.  Afterwards, we painted the clay birds that we made last Friday that complimented our poems perfectly!  By reading a range of poems, we were able to unpick and analyse the vocabulary that we could magpie and develop for our own poems.




We have focused on 2D shape this week.  Starting the week understanding types of lines (vertical, horizontal, diagonal), we studied the properties of a range of 2D shapes.  We used language such as 'parallel', 'perpendicular' and 'bisect' to help describe the angles, sides and other properties of each shape.  By Thursday and Friday, we worked on finding the radius, diameter and circumference of circles and understanding the properties of triangles.

Thematic curriculum 

We began the geography part of our theme, 'My Home, My Country', using maps - both Google Earth and paper Ordnance Survey - to locate where the Vikings settled.  We learnt that the Vikings named many places in the UK, including York, Grimsby and Derby.  We tried to solve why the Vikings settled in these places by searching for nearby features.

We then used maps to study Ramsgate and, using a 6-figure grid reference, we were able to find places (we could also give a 6-figure grid reference to help a partner find places). This led into our learning about developing and developed countries.  We used Google as a search engine to find the Human Development Index (HDI) of countries to explain whether they were developing or developed.  This was a fascinating lesson that the children thoroughly enjoyed.

In French, we also studied the variants of 'to go' (aller) and used role play to practise saying 'I go...', 'you go...', 'we go...' etc. We had great fun getting in role and pretending to visit different shops!

Love to Learn

For our Reading for Pleasure session next week, we would like the children to write the lyrics to their favourite song. Please continue to read 4 x per week and practise times tables. 

Other News 

On Wednesday 13th December we will be having our Christmas Fair from 3.20-5. As part of this, we need some voluntary donations from our community. On Tuesday 12th December, please can we ask you to send in the following donations with your child:

-KS1 – Bring a bottle for the tombola 

-KS2 – Bring a gift for the raffle. We ask the children bring a gift that matches their house colour e.g. if they are a red roman, they donate a red gift and so on. We will also be running a ‘Take home a Teddy’ stall. 

-If you have any good quality, unwanted cuddly toys please also send them into school on Tuesday 12th December to be used on this stall. 

-Lastly, we will also be running our traditional ‘White Bag’ stall. All children will bring home a white bag on Friday 8th December. We ask that your child decorates the bag, and you pop a small gift inside (sweets, notepad, pens, small toy etc). Can this also be returned to school on Tuesday 12th December.

Dates to remember

Year 6 Christmas party will be on Thursday 14th December.  Today, children have brought home a slip requesting some supplies for children to enjoy their parties (if you can!)

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695